Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 21 January 98

Foil 14 Exploiting Multi-Tier Commodity Software Model

From General NPAC Foils-98A starting January 98 (PowerPoint) NIST Information Technology Laboratory Washington DC -- January 22 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Essential idea is consider a three tier model
  • Top tier is the client
  • Second tier are servers coordinated by commodity technologies such as the Web and CORBA and communicating via HTTP(Web), IIOP(CORBA), RMI or custom Java sockets.
  • Third tier are services such as databases, MPP's
Preserve the first two tiers as a high functionality commodity information processing system and confine HPCC to the third (lowest) tier.
  • MPI becomes the high performance "machine code" for message passing which you use if HTTP, IIOP or RMI have insufficient performance

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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