Given by Wojtek Furmanski, Geoffrey C. Fox at ARL End of Year 2 Review Aberdeen Sheraton 4 Points on July 29-30 98. Foils prepared August 2 98
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Background Detail for Short PET Year 2 Presentation |
Highlighting Year 2 Achievements with numeric counts in key areas such as "users impacted" |
6 Year 3 tasks are presented but these were not all funded |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Geoffrey C. Fox and Wojtek Furmanski |
Northeast Parallel ArchitecturesCenter |
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY |
ARL PET End of Year 2 Workshop - July 29-30, 1998 |
Number of Users Reached = 17 |
Number of Papers Publisherd = 12 |
Number of Courses Presented = 4 |
Number of Technical Reports = 4 |
Number of Software Modules = 7 |
Mark Roberts, COLSA |
Bill Smith, NRL |
Henry Ng, NRL |
Larry Peterson, SPAWAR |
Jeff Wallace, SPAWAR |
Bob Wasilausky, SPAWAR |
Jeff Sauerborn, VPG |
Eileen Viar, TECOM |
Jeff Steinman, Metron |
Jim Brutocao, Metron |
Louis Yu, Metron |
Ron van Iwardeen, JNTF |
Frank Weis, JNTF |
Steve Bishop, Ft. Belvoir |
Keith Snively, Ft. Belvoir |
Willie Brown, JSU |
Milti Leonard, JSU |
National Grid book chapter, Dec 97 |
VRML98, Monterey, CA, Feb 98 |
Internet Server Workshop, Wisconsin, Jun 98 |
DoD HPC Users Group Conf, Rice Univ, Jun 98 |
EuroPar98, UK, Sept 98 |
ICASE Conf, 98 |
PDPTA98, Las Vegas, July 98 |
ITEA98/WebFlow for Visual HLA, Aberdeen, Jul 98 |
ITEA98/DirectX meets RTI, Aberdeen, Jul 98 |
ITEA98/Object Web RTI, Aberdeen, Jul 98 |
ITEA98/Universal Databases, Aberdeen, Jul 98 |
SIW Fall 98, Orlando, Sept 98 |
FMS/HLA Tutorial by G. C. Fox, HEAT Center, Dec 97 |
FMS Tutorial by W. Furmanski, JSU Summer Inst., Jun 98 |
FMS Lab by W. Furmanski, JSU Summer Inst., Jun 98 |
FMS Techs (Distr Objects & Databases) by G. C. Fox, ITEA, Jul 98 |
Number of Tech Reports Published = 4 |
PET FMS White Paper, Sep 97 |
JWORB Tech Report, Feb 98 |
HLA Based TVR/Collaboratory Env, Mar 98 |
Parallel CMS Plan, Jun 98 |
JWORB/HTTP Protocol (Web Server) |
JWORB/IIOP Protocol (CORBA Server/Broker) |
Object Web RTI as JWORB Service |
Object Model Builder (OMBuilder) in Excel+VBA |
Visual Simulation Toolkit for DMSO Jager |
DirectX Front-End for DMSO Jager |
FMS Training Space / Database Navigator |
General FMS Support and Tech Tracking |
RTI Parallelization Planning |
SPEEDES Training Materials |
FMS Training |
Visual Simulation Tools |
Parallel CMS Planning (CEWES) |
Object Web RTI (CEWES) |
General FMS Support and Tech Tracking - Web Site (300+ Pages) |
RTI Parallelization Planning - NPAC joins CHSSI FMS-5 |
SPEEDES Training Materials - Web DB for Src+Doc Navigation |
FMS Training - 4 courses, 12 papers, FMS Training Space / DB |
Visual Simulation Tools - WebFlow+Excel+VBA+DirectX for Jager |
Parallel CMS Planning (CEWES) - runs at ARL, tech report ready |
Object Web RTI (CEWES) - implemented, alpha release fall 98 |
HLA/RTI early indentified, analyzed, implemented => CHSSI FMS-5 |
CORBA, Java, COM, WOM alternatives => to be covered in Pragmatic Object Web book |
Other useful techs identified: DirectX/Chrome, XML, VBA, ASP/ADO |
FMS Training Web Site covers it all (300+ pages) |
Detailed analysis of DMSO HLA/RTI |
NPAC to participate in CHSSI FMS-5 on HPC RTI ($2M total; most goes to Metron) |
Meanwhile, we already implemented Object Web RTI (for $50K..) |
2 HEAT Center Courses (Dec 97, July 98) |
FMS Tutorial + Laboratory for JSU Summer Institute, June 98 |
DoD UGC Talk, June 98 |
4 ITEA98 Talks, July 98 |
SIW Fall98 (Orlando) Paper, Sept 98 |
Web based FMS Training Space in works |
SPEEDES License from NASA, March 98 |
FMS Training Space Database support for SPEEDES source, docs, presentations, June 98 |
Participated in SPEEDES Training by Metron for Wargame2000 crew at JNTF, Colorado Springs, June 98 |
SPEEDES Federate (interactive WebHLA training module) under development |
Object Model Builder (OMBuilder) - Excel+VBA based commodity version of OMDT authoring tool by Aegis Corp. |
XML I/O support for OMBuilder for HLA simulation configuration management |
WebFlow+OMBuilder+DirectX based Visual Authoring Toolkit for DMSO Jager - demonstrated at the DoD HPC UGC, June 98 |
Similar to HLA/RTI but |
without object/database model |
(OMT, OML, FOMs, SOMs) |
CMS and MoDAF licenses at NPAC, Mar 98 |
Full system operational at NPAC, May 98 |
CMS running at ARL Origin2000, June 98 |
Technical Report ready, Aug 98 |
OW-RTI = DMSO RTI 1.3 in Java CORBA |
Includes the following software modules:
6 generic projects, each for years 3-5 |
different CHSSI modules and/or customers addressed each year |
WebHLA - a 3-tier environment to offer an integrated training, demo, testbed and FMS software delivery platform |
Core PET FMS Support |
Parallel Modeling and Simulation Modules |
Metacomputing FMS Demonstrations |
CHSSI Training Modules |
Training Federates |
WebHLA Integration |
Input |
Projects |
Output |
Continuous tracking of Web/Commodity and DoD M&S Standards |
Current Projections:
Parallelize advanced M&S codes such as CMS on the Origin2000 platform |
Deliver to various user communities:
Package simulation modules as HLA federates |
Use WebHLA to prototype Metacomputing FMS environments (multi-user, multi-MSRC) |
Focus on CMS+ModSAF modules
Analyze FMS CHSSI software modules |
Collect docs, man pages, develop entry level tutorials and Web linked databases |
Transfer to the Training Federates project
Wrap CHSSI modules are HLA Federates |
Develop Training FOM to include students, teachers and sim modules as participants |
Deliver WebHLA based multi-player realtime interactive training
Develop WebHLA as integrated platform for prototyping, testbed, demo and training (PSE) |
Integrate CHSSI FMS modules and other advanced M&S codes (CMS) as WebHLA federates |
Explore WebHLA as SBA infrastructure
Late start for PET FMS (licenses, accounts etc.) in `97 |
Good progress so far in `98 |
JWORB and Object Web RTI operational |
12 conf papers, book chapter and book in progress |
SIW Fall 98 paper on WebHLA accepted |
WebHLA based metacomputing (multi-MSRC) FMS systems (parallel CMS) planned for `98/`99 |