Starting the Active Object Server, the default port it binds to is 14000 % osagent |
Starting the Gatekeeper which acts as a HTTP-tunneler for Callbacks through firewalls, the default port it runs on is 15000 % gatekeeper |
Starting up the RMIregistry on some port, (ports less than 1024 require administrative priveleges) say 7000 % rmiregistry 7000 |
Starting the Naming Service, with the nameContext Root as JDCE %java -DORBservices=CosNaming -DSVCnameroot=JDCE -DJDKrenameBug JDCE namingLog |
Starting the main Object Server, which starts up both the RMI/CORBA sessionScheduler. %java -DORBservices=CosNaming -DSVCnameroot=JDCE jdce.impl.corba.sessionServer |