Basic HTML version of Foils prepared Oct 1 98

Foil 7 The Simplest Java Application: Hello,World!

From Java Tutorial 98- 1: Introduction to Java Language and Applets CPS606 -- Fall Semester. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Nancy McCracken

The HelloWorld Application for Foil 7
1 Since Java is object-oriented, programs are organized into modules called classes, which may have data in variables and subroutines called methods.
2 class HelloWorld
3 { public static void main (String[] args)
4 { System.out.println("Hello World!");
5 }
6 }
7 Each program is enclosed in a class definition.
8 main() is the first method that is run.
9 The notation class.method or package.class.method is how to refer to a public method (with some exceptions).
10 Syntax is similar to C - braces for blocks, semicolon after each statement. One difference: upper and lower case matter!

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