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Basic foilset Introduction to Java Grande Panel Sessions

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at SC98 Orlando on November 13 98. Foils prepared November 18 98
Outside Index Summary of Material

Java Grande Forum Homepage
SC98 Java Grande Panels -- DRAFT July 1 1998
To be held at SC98 Orlando for a total of 3 hours on the morning of Friday November 13
  • 1. Java Grande I: Rationale Status and the Forum
  • 2. Java Grande II: Issues and Futures
This is a set of two linked panels, which will focus on the status, issues and futures of Java Grande and include a presentation of and public comment on the activities of the Java Grande forum.
Grande applications are large-scale applications typical of HPCC, scientific and engineering computations, or distributed simulations.
The goal of the Java Grande forum is to further community activities that will make Java a much better (and probably the best) programming environment for Grande applications. The first three meetings of the Forum were March 1,98 May 9-10 and August 6-7. The Panels will consist of presentations from the community covering technologies, applications and studies relevant to Java Grande, which will set the scene and give possibly controversial position papers.
The two Java Grande working groups will present their current findings and lead an open discussion.
The public comments will be integrated into revised versions of the working group reports.
Audience for both panels should include academia, government and industry.
The topics should interest people from both application and computer science (technology) fields.
Leading questions and issues:
  • 1. What is Java Grande and should we care?
  • 2. Can we develop the industry support (in terms of quality tools and changes in Java standards) to make Java a superior programming environment for Grande applications?
  • 3. What are the changes in Java (if any) needed to realize the goal in 2)
  • 4. What are the key research issues and technologies underlying Java Grande
  • 5. What application areas are particularly enabled/helped by Java Grande
Abstract of First Panel -- Java Grande I: Rationale, Status and the Forum
Moderator: Siamak Hassanzadeh (Sun Microsystems)
This panel will set the scene and present initial findings of the two Java Grande Forum working groups. It will consist of approximately 5 presentations.
The first part of the panel (of about 50 minutes) will consist of 3 presentations, which will define Java Grande and describe critical technologies, applications and performance studies of relevance to Java Grande.
Technologies could include nifty compilers or distributed computing infrastructure. Applications could include libraries or larger scale systems.
These talks will be designed to complement any related papers in the main SC98 technical sessions.
The final 40 minutes will feature the two forum working groups
Here we will briefly describe forum (goals and process) and present current state of findings of these two working groups.
Abstract of Second Panel -- Java Grande II: Issues and Futures
Moderator: Geoffrey Fox (Syracuse University)
This session will start with selected short (approximately 10 minute) presentations on alternative or augmentative ideas with goal of broadening the involved community.
Topics will include "experiences from Industry users" , views from world community (there is a relevant meeting in Europe(Cardiff) during the summer), and naysayers (Why Java Grande is doomed).
These talks will be chosen for their broad impact on Java Grande and not particularly their technical wizardry. We will actively solicit suggested contributors.
This 60 minute introduction will be followed by a debate of the two draft reports presented in previous panel. To encourage this, we will make the documents available on the web and on the exhibit floor before the meeting.
Audience comments will be incorporated into revised versions of the reports and will help set the agenda for future forum activities.

Table of Contents for full HTML of Introduction to Java Grande Panel Sessions

Denote Foils where Image Critical
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1 Java Grande (a.k.a. High Performance Java) Panels at SC98
2 Java Grande Panel I
3 Java Grande Panel II
4 What is Java Grande?
5 Java Grande Process: Approach and Activities
6 Why is Java Grande Worth Looking at?
7 The 3 Roles of Java
8 What is Goal of Java Grande Forum?
9 Two types of Things we are doing
10 Activities of the Java Grande Forum I
11 Activities of the Java Grande Forum II
12 Where are we now?
13 What should you do as a Java Grande believer?

Outside Index Summary of Material

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared November 18 98

Foil 1 Java Grande (a.k.a. High Performance Java) Panels at SC98

From Introduction to Java Grande Panel Sessions SC98 Orlando -- November 13 98. *
Full HTML Index
Friday November 13 1998
Geoffrey Fox
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
Syracuse University
111 College Place
Syracuse NY

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared November 18 98

Foil 2 Java Grande Panel I

From Introduction to Java Grande Panel Sessions SC98 Orlando -- November 13 98. *
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8.30 Introduction to Java Grande and the Panels, Geoffrey Fox, Syracuse University
8.45 Report from the Numerics Working Group of the Java Grande Forum, Ron Boisvert NIST
9.05 Report from the Applications and Concurrency Working Group of the Java Grande Forum, Dennis Gannon, Indiana University and NASA Ames
9.25 Compilers and Performance of Java, Marc Snir, IBM
9.40 Linear Algebra in Java, Cleve Moler , The MathWorks

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared November 18 98

Foil 3 Java Grande Panel II

From Introduction to Java Grande Panel Sessions SC98 Orlando -- November 13 98. *
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10.30 Building Libraries in Java, Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory
10.40 Lessons from C++, John Reynders, Los Alamos
10.50 Application Experience in Oil Industry, Siamak Hassanzadeh, Sun Microsystems
11.00 Java Benchmarks, David Henty, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Center
11.10 MPI for Java, Vladimir Getov, Westminister University England
11.20 Java Framework for Computing Services (Desktop Access to Remote Resources), Gregor von Laszewski, Argonne National Laboratory
11.30 -12.00 Discussion

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared November 18 98

Foil 4 What is Java Grande?

From Introduction to Java Grande Panel Sessions SC98 Orlando -- November 13 98. *
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Use of Java for:
High Performance Network Computing
Scientific and Engineering Computation
(Distributed) Modeling and Simulation
Parallel and Distributed Computing
Data Intensive Computing
Communication and Computing Intensive Commercial and Academic Applications
HPCC Computational Grids ........
Very difficult to find a "conventional name" that doesn't get misunderstood by some community!

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared November 18 98

Foil 5 Java Grande Process: Approach and Activities

From Introduction to Java Grande Panel Sessions SC98 Orlando -- November 13 98. *
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We have had several conferences with 50---- attendees
  • Syracuse December 96
  • Las Vegas June 97
  • Palo Alto February 98
  • Southampton (Europe) September 98
  • Next one just before JavaOne next year (June 99)
Topics of conference papers:
  • Applications; algorithms; benchmarking; compilers; Java-based programming tools; parallel computing (tightly coupled) and high performance distributed computing
"Spun off" Java Grande forum to promote needed community standards and activities.
Must be proactive because Grande computer market is perhaps 1% of total computing market -- not Sun's highest priority

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared November 18 98

Foil 6 Why is Java Grande Worth Looking at?

From Introduction to Java Grande Panel Sessions SC98 Orlando -- November 13 98. *
Full HTML Index
The Java Language has several good design features
  • secure, safe (wrt bugs), object-oriented, familiar (to C C++ and even Fortran programmers)
Java has a very good set of libraries covering everything from commerce, multimedia, images to math functions (under development at http://math.nist.gov/javanumerics)
Java has best available electronic and paper training and support resources
Java is rapidly getting best integrated program development environments
Java naturally integrated with network and universal machine supports potentially powerful "write once-run anywhere" model
There is a large and growing trained labor force
Can we exploit this in Grande Computing / computational science?

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared November 18 98

Foil 7 The 3 Roles of Java

From Introduction to Java Grande Panel Sessions SC98 Orlando -- November 13 98. *
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2) (Grande JavaBean) Java in Middle
Server Tier
components of
distributed system
Provide Commodity Services
3) Java as parallel or sequential computing programming language
1) Java Applet for User Interface and client data analysis
Java Grande
Compute Server

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared November 18 98

Foil 8 What is Goal of Java Grande Forum?

From Introduction to Java Grande Panel Sessions SC98 Orlando -- November 13 98. *
Full HTML Index
Java has potential to be a better environment for "Grande application development" than any previous languages such as Fortran and C++
The Forum Goal is to develop community consensus and recommendations for either changes to Java or establishment of standards (frameworks) for "Grande" libraries and services
These Language changes or frameworks are designed to realize "best ever Grande programming environment"
First Meeting Mar 1 Palo Alto at Java 98 -- 200 Attendees set Agenda -- 30 permanent people and further meetings May 9-10, Aug 6-7
Public Discussion SC98 Orlando November 13 (3 hour panel)

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared November 18 98

Foil 9 Two types of Things we are doing

From Introduction to Java Grande Panel Sessions SC98 Orlando -- November 13 98. *
Full HTML Index
1) Most important in the near term -- encourage Sun to make a few key changes in Java to allow it to be a complete efficient Grande Programming Language
  • floating point, arrays, complex etc.
2) As a community, recognize that sometimes standards are more appropriate than creativity and pool results of experiments to produce a Java Grande framework covering libraries and computer access
  • Fiscally important fields such as databases, have established such standards -- we should follow their example
1) requires us to work with the computing mainstream -- 2) is internal to community

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared November 18 98

Foil 10 Activities of the Java Grande Forum I

From Introduction to Java Grande Panel Sessions SC98 Orlando -- November 13 98. *
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Two major working groups promoting standards and community actions
Numerics: Java as a language for mathematics led by Ron Boisvert and Roldan Pozo from NIST
  • Changes in Java controversial handling of floating point which currently has goal of reproducible results but this leads to non optimal accuracy
  • Addition of Complex types or classes
  • Lightweight classes and Operator overloading -- enables implementation of complex as a class
  • "Fortran rectangular multidimensional arrays" -- Java naturally has "arrays of arrays"
  • High quality math libraries with agreed interfaces -- FFT, Matrices, Transcendental functions

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared November 18 98

Foil 11 Activities of the Java Grande Forum II

From Introduction to Java Grande Panel Sessions SC98 Orlando -- November 13 98. *
Full HTML Index
Distributed and Parallel Computing led by Dennis Gannon and Denis Caromel (INRIA, France)
  • Performance of RMI (Attractive Java distributed object model - "remote method invocation")
  • Performance of Java runtime (the virtual machine VM) with lots of threads, I/O, memory use
  • Parallel Computing interfaces including Java MPI binding
  • Development of universal (Condor, Globus, Legion UNICORE WebSubmit ..) Java interface to computing resources -- enables seamless computing (easier than metacomputing!)
  • Special seamless computing meeting at Argonne October 98
Development of Grande Application benchmarks

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared November 18 98

Foil 12 Where are we now?

From Introduction to Java Grande Panel Sessions SC98 Orlando -- November 13 98. *
Full HTML Index
Both working groups have made substantial progress
  • Numerics and Concurrency working groups have preliminary reports -- Our suggestions for floating point submitted to Sun
We are initiating Community actions
  • Help us collect Java Grande benchmarks
  • Work with community on standard classes and libraries
  • Participate in seamless computing framework (desktop access to remote resources)
  • Stress Java and Java runtime (the VM) with large applications -- where are performance problems?
Note European involvement has been excellent so far
Now is a good time for full international community to comment on and participate in activities

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared November 18 98

Foil 13 What should you do as a Java Grande believer?

From Introduction to Java Grande Panel Sessions SC98 Orlando -- November 13 98. *
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Don't need to rewrite existing codes in Java!
Rather use Java freely at client and middle tier
One can wrap existing codes as CORBA or Java distributed objects
Conduct suitable experiments in using Java in complete Grande applications
Make certain your interests are represented in Java Grande Forum
Retrain your staff in Java Web and distributed object technologies
Put "High Performance Grande Forum compliant" Java support into your RFP's for hardware and software

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University, npac@npac.syr.edu

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