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Foil 27 Collaboration Support of Mobile Units

From Overview of Tango applications Tango Tutorial San Diego MRA -- June 26 27 98 Datemod;June 18 98. by TangoInteractive Team

1 Wearable computers (with components such as battery, disks, CPU) wore on a belt with a handheld monitor (640 by 480 today) allow us to bring a computational grid to the warfighter
2 There would be a wireless link using low speed digital cellular connection
3 There is enough memory and disk to run a browser and Tango client on the remote unit
4 This links implementers in field together and to central decision support
5 The 1997 wearable computer technology is shown in foil but perhaps most intriguing are devices like the JavaRing where 14,000 distributed at 97 JavaOne conference
  • around 1 million transistors running JavaVM

in Table To:

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