Operational Details of TangoInteractive

  1. Basic Chat: "democratic application"
    Use to demonstrate local open and join session
  2. Simplest Simulation Applications -- Spring, Vector Cross Product: Master-Slave model, discuss simple shared event. Discuss remote open
  3. Microsoft Word under NetMeeting: Show this page in Shared Word
  4. Administrative Panel: show how to switch off default audio notification, confirmation options (use simple applications in 2. To demonstrate passing of master status), users panel-- status / ping / hail, mail, configuration panel. Watch the Java Console for problems!
  5. Other Basic Collaborative Tools: 2D Chat, 2.5D Chat (needs more work), whiteboard (simple), draw (aka complex whiteboard). Remember shift reload. Customize application to education level
  6. 2D Mapper: Crisis Management, virtual field trips, teach Geographical Information Systems (we have a 3D version)
  7. WebWisdom: show the 3 possible backgrounds, telecursor and note difference between master and slave. Comment on coming whiteboard enhancements and shared JavaScript. Comment on backend database
  8. Games -- Rubik's Cube: Other games such as Othello similar -- natural application
  9. Shared Audio and video: Sampler of backend database system; note applets can get out of synchronization if machine saturated
  10. CFD, Kepler's applet: sophisticated applications -- planets are bound to get out of synchronization if diverse hardware
  11. Test applications: used to illustrate API
  12. Shared Browser: bring up this page or http://maryland.npac.syr.edu/tango/runtime/index.html and show feature/bug list
  13. Buena Vista: This is a standalone audio-video conferencing system as well
  14. Install! Not so difficult for clients. Comment on applications (XEmacs) and Servers