Basic HTML version of Foils prepared August 22 98

Foil 13 Linkset Object Structure

From Details of PetaSIM and its relationship to Performance Specification Languages Darpa Workshop on Performance Engineered Systems Annapolis Md. -- August 19-21 1998. by Yuhong Wen, Geoffrey C. Fox

Name: one per linkset object
type: choose from updown, across
nodesetbegin: name of initial nodeset joined by this linkset
nodesetend: name of final nodeset joined buy this linkset
topology: used for across networks to specify linkage between members of a single nodeset
duplex: choose from full or half
number: number of members of this linkset in the architecture
latency: time to send zero length message across any member of linkset
bandwidth: maximum bandwidth allowed in any link of this linkset
send(): method that calculates cost of sending a message across the linkset
distribution: name of geometric distribution controlling this linkset
linkset_member_list: list of linkset members in this linkset ( for linkset member identification )

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