Basic HTML version of Foils prepared August 22 98

Foil 42 Possible Future Work

From Details of PetaSIM and its relationship to Performance Specification Languages Darpa Workshop on Performance Engineered Systems Annapolis Md. -- August 19-21 1998. by Yuhong Wen, Geoffrey C. Fox

Richer set of applications using standard benchmarks and specific DoD (NSF DoE?) applications
Relate object model to those used in "seamless interfaces" / metacomputing i.e. to efforts to establish (distributed) object model for computation
Review very simple execution script -- should we add more complex (loosely synchronous) primitives or regard "application emulators" as this complex script
Binary format ("compiled PetaSIM") of architecture and application description ( ASCII format will make execution script very large)
  • Translation tool from ASCII format to binary format (to retain the friendly user interface)
Upgrade performance evaluation model
Run performance simulation in parallel (i.e. PetaSIM running on multi-processors)

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