Title and abstract for

Details of PetaSIM and its relationship to Performance Specification Languages

Given by Yuhong Wen, Geoffrey C. Fox at Darpa Workshop on Performance Engineered Systems Annapolis Md. on August 19-21 1998. Foils prepared August 22 98
which leads to edit sector initialized at overall parameters
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Remember PetaSIM Motivation and basic ideas
  • (Using aircraft analogy) aimed at conceptual design of computer architecture and applications ( as opposed to later preliminary and detailed design)
  • Java applet as friendly user interface; C++ execution engine
PetaSIM Design and Examples
  • as conceptual level, can use to estimate performance of applications in any language
  • Like RMI, use Java itself as IDL to specify object structure of computers and problems
  • Nodeset & Linkset; Dataset & Distribution; Execution Script
  • Relation to general PSL (Performance Specification Language) concept
Sample PetaSIM Experimental Results
Current Progress and next steps

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