1997 Electronic Training Workshop
Dayton, OH
March 6-7, 1997
Central State University
2.1.1 DAY ONE
2.1.2 DAY TWO 5
3.1.1 Discussion of Needs and Requirements
3.1.2 Recommendations
3.2.1 Discussion of Needs and Requirements
3.2.2 Recommendations
3.3.1 Discussion of Needs and Requirements
3.3.2 Recommendations
3.4.2 Recommendations
3.5.1 QUALITY OF COURSE CONTENT 15 Discussion of Needs and Requirements Recommendations
3.5.2 DELIVERY MODE REQUIREMENTS 16 Discussion of Needs and Requirements Recommendations
3.5.3 USER PROFILES 17 Discussion of Needs and Requirements Recommendations
3.5.4 TYPES OF TRAINING MATERIALS 18 Discussion of Needs and Requirements Recommendation
This report summarizes the results of the Electronic Training Workshop
held on March 6-7, 1997, at Wright Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) in
Dayton, Ohio. The Workshop was a gathering of knowledgeable
representatives from academia, government, and industry, to discuss and
develop ideas and strategies for Network Based Education and Training
(NBET). The Workshop was sponsored by and supported by the Programming
Environment and Training (PET) component of the High Performance
Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) at the Aeronautical Systems
Center (ASC) Major Shared Resource Center (MSRC).
NBET is a strategic goal of the HPCMP at ASC, and the Workshop was
conducted as part of the overall plan to achieve that goal. Therefore
the recommendations from this Workshop are incorporated into the ASC
MSRC PET Training Plan (draft), which is currently under review by the
government, and the results are also an input to the Tactical Plan for
the Training and Collaboration Interface Technology Center (ITC) at ASC.
Workshop attendance was open to representatives from all four of the
DoD MSRCs and also from academic institutions not directly connected to
the HPCMP including the Dayton Area Graduate Studies Institute (DAGSI).
The Electronic Training Workshop included two days of technical
presentations on NBET-related topics, open discussions, working
sessions, and report writing. The first day focused on the presentation
of available technologies and current activity in NBET; the second day
was reserved for evaluation of the available technology alternatives and
recommendations for a practical implementation.
2.1.1 DAY ONE:
The first day began with welcomes and introductions by Mr. John Blair,
MSRC Deputy Director, Mr. Jeff Graham, MSRC PET Director and Senior
Engineer, and Mr. Fletcher Kurtz, HPCMP Program Manager from the Nichols
Research Corporation, prime contractor at the ASC MSRC. Mr. Dana
Hoffman, PET Academic Coordinator from the Ohio Supercomputer Center
(OSC) (The Ohio State University), then presented an overview of the PET
plans and approach for Web-based training development and deployment,
the overall context in which the Workshop should consider the available
alternatives and make recommendations.
Mr. Gordon Nelson, NBET Integrated Project Team (IPT) Leader, presented
a kickoff briefing including an overview of the HPCMP and PET program
background, current ASC PET training activities, near term requirements,
long range vision, and the Workshop goals. The NBET long range vision
includes the following components:
a. Strong video and audio features with interactive capability;
b. Smooth transition from live classroom to availability on the Web;
c. Continuous evaluation and evolution with competition encouraged; and
d. Course development on the Web in accordance with established
Mr. Tracey Smith, Nichols, presented a briefing on the capabilities of
the new MSRC Training Classroom to support local PET training and NBET.
The classroom was under construction at the time of the Workshop and is
expected to be ready for PET use during May.
Ms. Leslie Southern, PET Training and Collaboration ITC Senior Lead
from OSC, presented a summary of the "Colloquium on High Performance
Computing (HPC) Collaborative Methods and Tools" that was held at the
Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (CEWES) MSRC in
Vicksburg, Mississippi, on February 27-28, 1997.
The remainder of Day One was reserved for the NBET-related technical
presentations by the invited speakers. There were four presentations as
a. "Network Based Learning and netWorkPlace," Dr. John Ziebarth and Mr.
Frank Baker, National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA),
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
b. "The Web and Education: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly," Dr. Rubin
Landau, Department of Physics, Oregon State University.
c. "The Tango Collaboratory," Dr. Geoffrey Fox and Mr. Gang Cheng,
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (NPAC), Syracuse University.
d. "The Regional Training Center for Parallel Processing," Dr. Mladen
Vouk and Mr. Rick Klevans, Department of Computer Science, North
Carolina State University.
2.1.2 DAY TWO:
The second day began with a determination of the topics and
participants for the Working Groups, and these are listed in Section
3.0. The Groups investigated their respective topics and then returned
to general session for an oral presentation of the interim results by
the Group Leaders. The Groups then reassembled to revise and write
their findings and recommendations in reports that were compiled in
electronic form to be consolidated into this overall Workshop Report.
William L. Asbury Nichols asburywl@email.wpafb.af.mil
Frank Baker NCSA fbaker@ncsa.uiuc.edu
Stephen Brewster CSU sbrewster@cesvxa.ces.edu
Douglas L. Campbell AFIT campbell@afit.af.mil
Gang Cheng NPAC gcheng@npac.syr.edu
Charlotte D. Coleman ASC MSRC colemacd@88cg.wpafb.af.mil
Kamyar Dezhgosha CSU kamyar@cesvxa.ces.edu
Ken Flurchick OSC kenf@osc.edu
Geoffrey C. Fox NPAC gcf@npac.syr.edu
Frank Gilfeather Maui HPC Center gilfeath@arl.unm.edu
Jeff Graham ASC MSRC grahamje@email.wpafb.af.mil
Frankie Harris OSC frankie@osc.edu
Ann L. Hernandez Nichols asnalh01@asnmail.asc.edu
Dana Hoffman OSC hoffman@osc.edu
Jeffrey C. Huskamp OSC huskamp@osc.edu
Richard L. Klevans NCSU rlklevan@eos.ncsu.edu
Fletcher Kurtz Nichols kurtzf@88cg.wpafb.af.mil
Jan Labanowski OSC jkl@osc.edu
Rubin Landau Oregon St. U. rubin@physics.orst.edu
Dianne Love CSU dlove@cesvxa.ces.edu
Cheryl Lucas Nichols lucasca@email.wpafb.af.mil
Robert L. Marcus CSU marcus@cesvxa.ces.edu
Mike Natale Nichols natalem@email.wpafb.af.mil
Gordon R. Nelson OSC Team nelsongr@88cg.wpafb.af.mil
Olu "Tido" Olatidoye ClAU tido@visidel.cau.edu
Ruth Pachter Wright Laboratory pachterr@ml.wpafb.af.mil
Lawrence E. Porter OSC Team LPorterLPA@aol.com
Butch Rappe CEWES brappe@newton.wes.army.mil
Douglass Robertson CSU drobertson@cesvxa.ces.edu
Peter Schartz pjs@csar.com
Tracey Smith Nichols smithtl@email.wpafb.af.mil
Leslie Southern OSC leslie@osc.edu
Mary Stuessy OSC marys@osc.edu
Kate Treyens OSC kct@osc.edu
Mladen A. Vouk NCSU vouk@csc.ncsu.edu
Jerome J. Walker CSU walker@cesvxa.ces.edu
Theresa Windus OSC windustl@msrc.wpafb.af.mil
Stacy Wood OSC swood@osc.edu
John Ziebarth NCSA ziebarth@ncsa.uiuc.edu
The Workshop participants formed four Working Groups to discuss
functional areas related to the development and deployment of NBET.
Group One covered "Authoring and Production Tools;" Group Two covered
two areas, "Delivery Hardware, Software, and Tools" and "Service Quality
and Other Network Issues;" Group Three covered "Training Evaluation
Mechanisms;" and Group Four covered four topics in the area of "Course
Content and Quality." The Working Group findings and recommendations
for these five functional areas are presented in the following five
The focus of Group One was to recommend methodologies and tools to
enable the creation of NBET materials ready for the Web. The scope of
this topic includes the origination of the material by the author, the
preparation of the material for classroom presentation by the author or
another instructor, the capture of the material if presented live in the
classroom, and the post-presentation processing of the material to make
it suitable for Web access. Group One was led by Dr. Olu (Tido)
Olatidoye from Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia. The
participants were Rubin Landau, Rick Klevans, Cheryl Lucas, and Ann
The issues associated with authoring and production tools include the
a. Platform compatibility. The training materials migrate through
several platforms from creation to final delivery. The NBET products
must be compatible with the hardware and software used by the authors,
instructors, NBET providers (e.g., the MSRC), and the students.
b. Interactive lessons have different levels of interactivity.
Students interact with the materials (e.g. they can submit numbers and
get graphs back), students can interact with the instructor or other
students, and the students could run remote lab equipment. Java can be
used reliably for easy interactions. Other tools are more limiting.
The spectrum of interaction should range from HTML as the minimum to
interactive video as the maximum. Video is not realistic over the Web
yet but may be for future DoD intranets.
c. Author input may be platform specific, but Web output should be
platform in-dependent as much as possible (there may be exceptions).
d. Software packages differ significantly. For example, preparing
multimedia materials for CD is not the same as for the Web; some
packages will transmit big plug-ins for materials, and these may be
platform specific.
e. Different production tools will be needed for different training
f. Video production and post production editing is usually not done by
the author or instructor. Some local technical assistance needed.
g. The user system requirements (e.g., RealAudio, RealVideo, sound)
should be stated up front to facilitate the capture and processing of
the materials.
The following is a list of available graphics tools:
a. lview (?) for Windows;
b. xv (?) for UNIX; and
c. VRML (?) compatible tools.
The following is a list of available converters:
a. latex2html (?);
b. gif converter;
c. graphic converter;
d. xfig (?);
e. xview (?);
f. rtf2html (?);
g. MPEG (?);
h. Quicktime; and
i. jpeg (?) animation.
The following is a list of available audio tools:
a. RealAudio;
b. SoundEdit for Macintosh; and
c. SoundForge for Windows.
The following is a list of available programming tools (These now work
fairly universally.):
a. Java; and
b. JavaScript.
Provide authoring guidelines and a list of supported tools (especially
for format and directory structures) so that the authors can supply
their materials in original text (not Postscript) using supported tools
like Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. The latest versions of these tools
have HTML output options (Internet Assistant). Other examples are NACSE
(?), uces (?), and ncsa (?).
Let authors use their favorite tools as long as a conversion can be
done. The authors should submit source materials that can be kept in
original format for future corrections, updates, and adaptations to new
technology. The originals can then be converted to HTML, if not already
in that preferred output format.
Provide different production tools for different products, for example,
regular class, tutorial, or complete video.
Establish local support and do format conversion in-house for all
approved platforms. Use the same resources to determine supported
products. Is the tool a standard or within established guidelines? Is
tool output convertible to a useful NBET format?
Local technical people should also do the video production and post
Allow the authors to submit requests for supported tools; this will
facilitate data exchange and video production.
Use Optical Character Reading (OCR) to convert hard copy using a
commercial application like OmniPage Pro 7.0 (for the Mac) or a suitable
Keep an archive in-house for reusable material such as templates,
guidelines, animations, codes, complete courses, and sample courses.
The NBET program should include on-going evaluation of new tools as the
need arises. A local team of experts can characterize available tools
based on feedback from authors, instructors, and students who give
recommendations for tools that may facilitate Web delivery.
Group Two focused on two areas. The first (covered in this section)
was to recommend methodologies and tools to enable the delivery of NBET
materials over the World Wide Web. The scope of this topic includes
synchronous and asynchronous training, delivery hardware and software,
and remote student system requirements. Group Two was led by Dr.
Stephen Brewster from Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio. The
participants were Bill Asbury, Gang Cheng, Ken Flurchick, Abayomi
Ajayi-Majebi, Mike Natale, Marek Porndorg (by teleconference from
Syracuse University), Douglass Robertson, Tracey Smith, and John
The issues associated with authoring and production tools include the
a. There needs to be sufficient disk access for users at the MSRC to
support the expected training load while providing reasonable access
b. Users must be given a sufficiently fast response time and a robust
network connection.
c. Cost needs to be considered because not all recommended or commonly
used software is free for government use.
d. Access will include non-DREN (Defense Research and Engineering
Network) users, for example, academic to government and government to
e. The NBET implementation needs to accommodate the limitations of 28.8
Kbps access from modems or congested networks.
f. The system could be used not only for training but also for
scientific collaboration, and if it is, the requirements will be
g. There is a need for electronic office hours including chat rooms or
video teleconferences.
h. Software and hardware selection impacts performance. The PET team
will want to measure the performance (server, network, and client) of
the system, and the results from any evaluation phase can be used to
fine tune the final server configuration needs. The PET team will need
feedback from users to see what problems they are encountering and their
impression of the system performance. This will be different for
different types of training methods. The team will need to track
network response time, delay time, down time, interactive time for the
user, time of usage, access patterns, and content hits.
i. The MSRC will support three different training models; asynchronous,
synchronous, and mixed Web-based training environments for users.
j. The client machines may need a minimum functionality of browser
access, two-way audio and video, and a network connection of at least
28.8 Kbps.
k. Access for persons with disabilities, especially vision, is
l. Software with scientific equation capability is needed.
m. The Web-based training system needs to be scaleable, and a process
for identifying new and emerging capabilities needs to be built into the
The following is a list of available software products to consider:
a. Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x;
b. Netscape Navigator 3.x;
c. Mosaic;
d. Web audio;
e. Web video;
f. Software to provide CD capability;
g. Microsoft Office automation applications;
h. VDO (?), VOD (?) (Syracuse, video and audio);
i. VOSAIC (?) (streamed video);
j. UNIX or NT server software;
k. HTML;
l. Java: there are security and performance issues to consider;
m. JavaScript;
n. Viewers;
o. Plug-ins;
p. Chat and threaded discussion software (e.g., MS Chat, and
q. Netscape Communicator;
r. Tango;
s. netWorkPlace (NCSA);
t. netLearningPlace (NCSA);
u. Joule (NCSA);
v. Habanero (NCSA);
w. NovaNet (Plato); and
x. CyberProf (may require up to 250 hours of development time for each
hour of presentation time).
The following is a list of server hardware considerations:
a. For the best performance, separate servers may be required for each
component of the NBET products: Video, Audio, HTTP, CGI, and Database;
b. For practical development and delivery, separate servers may be
required for Evaluation and Production machines; the production server
specifications will depend on the capacity required to satisfy peak user
c. This may imply different servers with multiple disks and a total
capacity of 20 GB for each server, for example, five 4 GB disks for each
with at least 128 MB of memory;
d. The Indy at ASC is currently a test machine but needs an upgrade,
for example to two 4 GB disks and 128 MB memory;
e. Archive and backup capabilities are needed;
f. Network access requirements will grow over time (10Mbps, 100Mbps,
FDDI, and possibly ATM); and
g. An ability to monitor network and measure loads on the servers is
The following is a list of student client machine capabilities to
consider for all possible training capabilities, asynchronous and
a. Browser;
b. Sound (special sound systems may be needed eventually);
c. Two-way video;
d. Camera and microphone are needed on both server and client machines;
e. Color;
f. MPEG (?) card;
g. CD;
h. Minimum of 28.8 Kbps modem or direct access to the network;
i. Capability to run current software applications;
j. Pentium 90 performance level minimum;
Initially use the existing SGI Indy workstation as an evaluation server
after upgrading its performance in accordance with the discussion in
Section 3.2.1. Based on the experiences with this, and after a thorough
evaluation of requirements, up to five servers (Video, Audio, HTTP, CGI,
and Database) may be needed for the best performance.
Obtain software to measure server and network performance, and collect
statistics in order to evaluate the number of servers and bandwidth
required. The PET team should determine which capabilities (Video,
Audio, HTTP, CGI, and Database) can be combined on a single CPU.
Tell the users up front what their system requirements are.
Require a minimum network connection of 28.8 Kbps.
Obtain and/or develop software to measure student response and access
Survey the students to obtain student perception of performance.
Evaluate server capabilities for different training methods.
Incorporate a process for identifying and evaluating emerging NBET
Group Two also focused on this second area to make recommendations
concerning the quality of NBET service over the World Wide Web and to
identify other network issues. This discussion was closely related to
the previous topic, but the Group reported the results separately. The
participants were Bill Asbury, Stephen Brewster, Gang Cheng, Abayomi
Ajayi-Majebi, Mike Natale, Marek Porndorg (by teleconference from
Syracuse University), Douglass Robertson, Tracey Smith, and John
The issues of security, password protection, and authentication need to
be considered.
High quality is needed throughout the system.
The students will expect CD quality presentations.
The students will expect a stable network connection.
Bandwidth requirements will grow and grow (ATM).
Consider what response time delays the students will tolerate.
The NBET implementation should provide no more than a 250 millisecond
response time (frame rate) for 95% of each one-hour session.
For synchronous training the "up time" needs to be close to 100%.
Consider whether trouble shooting capability should be provided to users
for network issues.
The focus of Group Three was to recommend methodologies and tools to
enable the evaluation of NBET materials, infrastructure, and results.
The scope of this topic includes synchronous and asynchronous delivery,
knowledge transfer, student and instructor profiles, evaluation
technologies, and Quality of Service (QoS). Group Three was led by Mr.
Robert Marcus from Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio. The
participants were Frank Baker, Douglas Campbell, Leslie Southern, and
Mladen Vouk.
An NBET system must allow assessment and validation of both the
educational/training impacts and also the technological impacts of its
implementations using scientific methods and metrics. To achieve this,
there needs to be support for the measurement and assessment of:
a. Knowledge and training transfer,
b. Student and instructor profiles, and
c. Supporting technologies.
Functionally, therefore, the system should have facilities for data
collection, quantitative evaluation, and tracking of:
a. Student and system performance,
b. Knowledge acquisition and retention rates,
c. Course and lesson management issues,
d. Educational Quality of Service (QoS) needs, and
e. System usability including the computer-human interface.
The efficiency and effectiveness of NBET must be measured through
knowledge transfer and retention rates and other related metrics (e.g.,
usefulness of the training to specific user categories, increase of
productivity, etc.). Without benchmarks and measurement of both student
and system successes and failures, it is impossible to make any
meaningful and scientific evaluation of either the technology or the
educational paradigms.
Evaluation of author, instructor, and student profiles will allow mutual
matching of user workflow with computer and network-assisted support for
optimized knowledge/skill transfer and minimized resource expenditures.
Similarly, assessment of technological issues should include evaluation
of the material for suitability for synchronous delivery (in-class, and
remote class), and asynchronous delivery over networks.
The PET program should recognize at least two levels at which it should
collect related data:
1. The network/system level. This level is concerned with capabilities
of the underlying infrastructure to actually sustain user workflow
requirements (e.g., cell or packet loss probability (mean and
consecutive), cell or packet delay (maximum, mean, and variation),
bandwidth guarantees (minimum and mean), etc.).
2. User level. In the context of end-user-oriented workflow, the
network/system level definition of QoS measures may be expanded to
include measurable end-user quality characteristics such as system
reliability and availability, interface usability, performance,
algorithmic scaleability, effectiveness, quality of lessons, quality of
user-system interactions, semantic interoperability, and quality of the
delivered material.
Concerning the suitability and criteria for the use of NBET courses on
the Web, not every classroom presentation will be suitable for direct
transfer to Web presentation. For example, a highly interactive class
with an instructor leading the class through an interactive session with
each student at a computer might be very successful and receive high
evaluation marks. A video recording of that same course viewed across
the Web could be very ineffective. A version of that course could
almost certainly be created for the Web, but the delivery methodology
may need to be completely different.
Therefore, any classroom-to-Web transfer process must include the
question, "Will this course move gracefully to the Web?" This is
particularly applicable if PET will be posting synchronized audio and
slides to the Web as the default to make a class available quickly and
easily. Some courses would only provide embarrassment if posted in this
manner. Such courses should never be provided without appropriate
adaptation because they would waste student time, bandwidth, and the
time required for PET staff to respond to frustrated and/or irritated
For full evaluation of NBET courses, the PET program should consider all
of the following four components:
a. Measure knowledge/training transfer and usefulness of material to
students' productivity. Ideally this requires administering several
types of assessment instruments: pre-training, interim, post-training,
and a follow-up assessment six weeks to six months later. Non-intrusive
tracking (e.g., logging responses to embedded questions) should also be
used to capture students' in-class learning.
b. Measure management issues related to the course suitability,
transferability, presentation style, and form (technological issues).
State the training goals and objectives for each course up front in the
catalog or initial announcement, and then test against these goals.
Students should be given a pre-test for self-assessment to determine
whether prerequisites have been satisfied. Concerning the instructors,
determine the style of teaching, expertise, level at which teaching is
done, and technology they use in order to determine whether the
instructors' approaches are suitable to the Web and whether or not PET
can adapt or reuse their materials.
c. Measure issues related to student and instructor profiles that will
assist in addressing student needs; for this, PET needs to tailor each
course and then assess both profiles to make the delivery/learning
models conform to the requirements. Some methods to measure student and
instructor profiles include: (1) develop user, instructor, and
supervisor pre/post evaluation forms; (2) use class registration forms
and instructor resumes to gather profile information; (3) develop charts
showing the relative class status for each student.
d. Develop a risk assessment grid using the results of these
evaluations to capture an overall probability of success rating for the
instructor-course-student combinations. The goal is to adjust the
combinations when the risk rating is too high.
A Web-based course may be delivered synchronously or asynchronously.
Therefore, use different evaluation forms for different delivery
Capture live classroom questions and answers as supplemental written
material in a suitable database for NBET voice-over-charts
presentations. This material can also serve as a repository of data to
use in the evaluation of Web courses.
Develop a method for evaluating any linked information used in lessons.
There is a list of recommended approaches to NBET that have examples on
the Internet, many of them linked to NCSU's Department of Computer
Science. Incorporate a regular process for evaluating ideas from these
forums for incorporation into the PET NBET program.
The focus of Group Four was to make recommendations for ensuring the
quality of NBET course content, to identify delivery mode requirements,
to discuss the need for user profiles, and to identify the need for
different types of NBET materials to reflect user needs and the training
versus education split. The scope of these topics includes the needs of
the MSRC users including the makeup of the user community, the delivery
applications, the split of education versus training for the courses
offered, and the preservation of legacy course investment for at least
the short term. The scope of these discussions overlapped the topics
considered by other Groups in some cases, but Group Four provided
additional insights in those areas. Group Four was led by Dr. Kamyar
Dezhgosha from Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio. The
participants were Geoffrey Fox, Jeffrey Huskamp, Dianne Love, and
Theresa Windus.
3.5.1 QUALITY OF COURSE CONTENT: Discussion of Needs and Requirements:
Course length is an issue for ASC researchers because many, especially
at the Ph.D. level, do not have time away from the laboratory to attend
a three or four day class at the MSRC. Therefore the NBET should
include courses suitable for this level of education or training that
can be completed at the student's pace.
There need to be mechanisms available for course feedback, e.g.,
discussions with the instructor through on-line office hours.
Instructor profiles are needed to gauge the level of technical expertise
in Web course development. This will facilitate a better match of
instructors to courses.
It is important to customize the courses to the users to maximize course
relevance to their jobs and to motivate researchers to sign up for the
course offerings.
The training environments at the universities and the MSRC are probably
different, and PET needs to account for that difference in the materials
and instructors.
PET needs to determine the level of help/guidance needed by the on-site
student versus the level needed over the network during an NBET
Asynchronous courses may need facilitators at the delivery point. Recommendations:
Tailor courses to user time constraints.
Create instructor profiles and carefully consider the assignment of
instructors to courses to ensure the best match.
Customize courses to DoD user profiles to maximize job relevance and to
provide incentives.
Generate a training module for the course developers and instructors.
Teach the instructors to employ the presentation development and
delivery mechanisms effectively.
Add hyperlinks from course material to other CTA-related information.
Provide an internal review mechanism for course materials.
Collect inputs from students to help maintain and improve course
Establish instructor on-line office hours with an interaction protocol.
To maintain quality, provide administrative and technical facilitators
for the courses. The facilitators may need to be time zone based.
3.5.2 DELIVERY MODE REQUIREMENTS: Discussion of Needs and Requirements:
PET needs to track more than browser technology because browser
technology is aiming for the mass market with 28.8 Kbps modems. This
may not be sufficient for ASC applications.
Authoring systems may not be viable for a large course investment
because these tools change frequently. For example, CEWES initially
required Postscript, but that is not a good choice since it is difficult
for authors to generate and manipulate slides using Postscript. Every
slide must be less than 30 Kbytes and be a separate file. ASC has not
focused on MBONE so this MSRC is not requiring Postscript
MBONE should be compatible with supported technologies. Delivery
technology should not drive course content, particularly if the result
is of lower quality as in the example of Postscript.
A large investment is needed in infrastructure to adequately support the
NBET evaluation server hardware and software. PET must be prepared to
make this investment.
Delivery mode selections and changes should be made to allow the
preservation of legacy courses.
Delivery technologies should be chosen that allow the conversion of
training materials by the MSRC staff.
Delivery systems need to support existing delivery methodologies as a
Existing course presentations include:
a. Handwritten slides (not acceptable);
b. Persuasion;
c. Microsoft PowerPoint and Word;
d. FrameMaker;
e. LaTeX (?); and
f. HTML files (may not be a good choice since the fonts are too small). Recommendations:
Monitor closely where Web technology is going. This should be a special
emphasis area for the Information and Communication ITC tracking
MBONE is required by the government, but Postscript is very difficult
for the Web, so it is not recommended for general PET NBET use. Find a
display technology for MBONE other than Postscript.
Solve the HTML small font size problem before using HTML files.
Previous courses have been given from slides. Investigate how
to put these on the Web directly.
Experiment with emerging Web technologies such as the following to
enhance presentations:
a. Java applets;
b. Automatic glossary support;
c. Two-way video; and
d. RealAudio.
3.5.3 USER PROFILES: Discussion of Needs and Requirements:
An initial user profile questionnaire should be filled out when a user
signs up for a course and also when a user seeks information. This will
yield current information on current users.
Useful profile inputs would include the number of users that each course
attracts and the number of inquiries each course announcement generates.
The survey results can be weighted for the persons profiled according to
the amount of their computer allocation and usage.
Compare the results for the on-site versus off-site students. What is
the ASC percentage of off-site users? What does this mean for training?
Profiles from the distributed centers are being obtained now.
User capabilities will help determine how training is delivered. What
hardware (better than 386s?) and software are available? What is the
education, prior training, and experience level of the users? What
applications need to be factored in?
CEWES today may approximate the user profile of all MSRCs in five years
since CEWES was the largest center prior to the MSRC program.
There is currently almost no material on the Web on algorithms and
education. Almost all the Web-based material is training on how to use
HPC hardware. Recommendations:
Develop a comprehensive user profile for the entire user base to drive
the types of presentations and the courses offered.
Concentrate on user needs.
Increase the ratio of education to training courses based on user
Emphasize training in algorithms, and add the word "algorithm" to the
title of appropriate courses.
To maximize utilization of MSRC resources, consider increasing the
number of education courses (or course modules) addressing parallel
algorithms versus training courses.
Use the user profiles to connect students with the CTA on-site leads for
algorithm and application support.
Continue to connect users to the Dayton Area Graduate Studies Institute
(DAGSI) for additional educational needs (versus training).
3.5.4 TYPES OF TRAINING MATERIALS: Discussion of Needs and Requirements:
"Training" courses are generally available on the Web for hardware
platforms and computing subjects, but "education" courses are not
generally available. Perhaps more effort should be put into education
courses. There is an attitude on the part of some that only training
courses are needed, and that education courses in the CTA areas are not
needed since the DoD employs experts in these fields. But what are the
real needs of the users? ASC is not set up to offer quarter-long
courses, so if there is a demonstrated need for longer education
courses, some of this functionality can be provided through self-paced
Web courses.
There is a need to demonstrate the applicability of course material to
the researchers' applications. For example, generating an example of
the course material's application to real DoD problems would be a
stimulating way to attract students.
Courses need to be dynamic and easily updated. Recommendations:
The split of education offerings versus training offerings needs to be
evaluated. NBET courses should be evaluated for expansion into longer
formats that could assist the education component.
Some courses longer than three days should be considered.
Education must be couched in terms of near term deliverables and the
production oriented mindset that prevails at ASC; intellectual curiosity
not driven by a deliverable is not the norm.
Parallel algorithms should be emphasized due to the ASC hardware and
the direction of CTAs and the Common HPC Software Support Initiative