PET Collaboration and Training Tasks

Here we note timings in units of N+m where N is July 1 and m is a time in months for interesting progress to be obtained.

  1. General Remarks
    1. We currently assume that an "integrated system" is only necessary for Synchronous Collaboration
    2. Asynchronous Collaboration Systems such as Lotus Notes do not seem of interest currently in PET (although both NCSA and NPAC have this expertise). We could use isolated capabilities of Lotus Notes but it seems that appropriate view is of a file-system and/or database supported collection of web sites on which various tools act.
    3. This plan only includes activities which are directly related to collaboration and training. There are other relevant information technology issues such as data base support for file system based web sites.
  2. Basic Synchronous Collaboration Capabilities
    1. Examine available core collaboration tools such as chat rooms, white boards, and audio-video conferencing. Re-examine choices made in Tango if alternative versions of such tools are clearly superior in either functionality or implementation.
    2. (N+3) Add simple version of content archiving with ability to do save white board to local files and file transfer between collaborators.
    3. (N+12 with some features earlier) Add advanced capabilities including full archiving of both audio-video and shared content; link to personal database (i.e. this links users in a Tango session to the PAPI data in back-end database) and support for multiple rooms. Rooms allow encapsulated collaboration
    4. (N+ongoing) Examine issues in use of Internet Explorer and currently unsupported platforms such as AIX and Macintosh. For AIX only tricky issue is multi-media support.
    5. (N+8) Examine and implement if appropriate more powerful shared PowerPoint Excel and Word using Microsoft's open Visual Basic interfaces.
    6. (N+6) Examine and implement if appropriate various relatively straightforward desirable features such as a more powerful approach to URL mapping with multiple mirrored content sites. This is improved configuration file specification and editing.
    7. (N+12) Examine and implement if appropriate various difficult desirable features such as sophisticated annotation support, a window manager (Tango spawns a lot of windows) and security mechanisms (allowing for instance rooms with different security levels).
    8. (N+ongoing) Integrate Tango with Asynchronous Tools as in 5 d).
  3. Synchronous Support for Training and Education
    1. (N+2 in prototype and N+6 in deployable fashion outside NPAC) Integrate Tango with WebWisdom NT for use in fall classes in prototype fashion
    2. (N+6) Develop a simpler look and feel for the student which reduces flexibility but increases ease of broad deployment
    3. (N+2) Re-examine and improve raised hands applet to control student-teacher interaction.
    4. (N+ongoing) Investigate different modes of distance teaching involving different roles for teacher and support personnel
  4. Synchronous Support for Collaboratory
    1. (N for inside users and N+2 for first outside users) Deploy Tango as a collaboratory when robust enough, in a staged fashion which can be supported
    2. (N+3 planning and N+6 deploy) Deploy selected core tools (such as white boards and audio-video conferencing in 2 a) above) taken from sources outside Tango and evaluate functionality and implementation. We might look at audio-video conferencing using NetMeeting or chat-rooms from the Palace to name particular examples.
    3. (N+6 for first advanced tools to outside users and N+3 for internal users. This is ongoing process as tools become available) Add and deploy specialized tools including shared visualization (both the Java SciVis and the CAVE compatible higher-end approach of NCSA), and program development aids. The latter includes shared editors (such as Emacs) but also selected tools such as performance visualization and debuggers.
  5. Web Resources and Asynchronous Tools
    1. (N+2) "Management System" Set up a "bug/feature" database to log user complaints or comments on functionality and implementation. Track bug fixes and establish a common web address for PET users to be able to find current known bugs and prognosis for removal.
    2. (N+4) "University server": Deploy and develop as necessary WebWisdom NT as the database backend for training. Currently focus WebWisdom NT on support of synchronous education
    3. (N+3) "Multimedia Database": Evaluate and deploy an approach to audio-video over foils which can be integrated into WebWisdom NT or other "Training/University Servers". This implies content stored in way that can be moved into a database straightforwardly.
    4. (N+12) Integrate 5 b) and 5 c) after testing separately to get a true Training and University Server.
    5. (N+ongoing) Compare Lotus Notes, TappedIn, Netscape, NetWorkPlace and other sources of asynchronous tools. Deploy and evaluate.
    6. (To be tasked) Investigate approaches to assessment based on database storage of student access patterns. Work with Assessment experts (such as LEAD center at Wisconsin)
  6. Training Content Specific Technology Tasks
    1. (N+ongoing) Identify relevant core information resources such as glossaries and HPC system descriptions and design the database/XML structure of these
    2. (N+ongoing) Review the educational object definition in WebWisdom NT with particular attention to IMS and ADL. Modify WebWisdom NT as needed
    3. (Initial work N+2. Substantial effort for sophisticated content) Design XML structure of identified core information nuggets (glossaries, HPC systems) and any sophisticated curricula structure such as the Cornell Virtual Workshop
  7. Generic Content (This includes generic material to be placed on future copies of CEWES CD-ROM)
    1. (N+2 prototype. N+6 deploy) Produce a unified glossary for HPC PET use including technology and application information
    2. (N+2 prototype. N+6 deploy) Update HPC System Description
    3. (N+ongoing) Work with training groups to identify other needed information resources of a similar type.
    4. (N+ongoing) Develop training lectures on all technology and XML/database structure issues. Deliver training material