Year 3-5 NPAC Work Package WebHLA Proposal
Overall Structure
- 6 generic projects, each for years 3-5 with suggested activities
- Different CHSSI modules and/or customers addressed each year
- WebHLA - an overall 3-tier commodity architecture to offer an integrated training, demo, testbed and FMS software delivery platform
Core PET FMS Support -- continual Tracking of DMSO/Commodity Technologies with COM and XML in year 3 incl. Microsoft ChromeEffects)
Specific Parallel Modeling and Simulation Modules (Year 3 is CMS --> Year 5 JSIMS)
Metacomputing FMS Demonstrations (use JWORB for fully DMSO HLA compliant multi MSRC commodity metacomputing starting with ModSAF/CMS)
CHSSI Training Modules (Year 3 SPEEDES, then TEMPO, E-ModSAF ...)
Training Federates (use of WebHLA for interactive training)
WebHLA Integration (is FMS Problem Solving environment -- eventually explore SBA or Simulation Based acquisition as discussed at ITEA)