Framework for Computational Science


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Table of Contents

Framework for Computational Science

Abstract of Computational Science Presentation

What is Computational Science ?

Synergy of Parallel Computing and Web Internetics as Unifying Principle

Basic CPS615 Contact Points

Course Organization

Material Covered in this Course

Structure of CPS615 - II

What are Parallel and Distributed Computing?

Why Parallel Computing?

Parallel Computing Technology Rationale

Motivating Applications

Some Comments on Simulation and HPCC

The Multicomputer: an Idealized Parallel Computer

Multicomputer Architecture

Multicomputer Cost Model

Sequential Memory Structure

Parallel Computer Memory Structure

Real Parallel Computers Architectures

Parallel Computers -- Classic Overview

Distributed Memory MIMD Multiprocessor

Distributed Memory Machines

Distributed Memory Machines -- Notes

Shared Memory MIMD Multiprocessor

Shared-Memory Machines

Shared-Memory Machines -- Notes

Distributed Shared Memory (DSM)

Distributed Shared Memory Machines

Workstation Clusters

Parallel Algorithms

Data Parallelism in Algorithms

Some Illustrative Examples of Parallel Applications!

Functional Parallelism in Algorithms

Structure(Architecture) of Applications - I

Structure(Architecture) of Applications - II

Multi Server Model for metaproblems

Multi-Server Gateway Tier

Pleasingly Parallel Algorithms

Parallel Languages

Data-Parallel Languages

Message-Passing Systems

A Simple Parallel Programming Model

Properties of Programming Model

Some Steps in Parallel Programming





Example: Atmosphere Model

Atmosphere Model: Numerical Methods

Atmosphere Model: Partition

Atmosphere Model: Communication

Atmosphere Model: Agglomeration

Atmosphere Model: Mapping

What is Parallel Architecture?

Why Study Parallel Architecture as a computer scientist?

Why Study Architecture Today?

Inevitability of Parallel Computing

Application Trends

TPC-C (database transaction processing)

Summary of Application Trends

Technology Trends -- CPU’s

General Technology Trends

Technology: A Closer Look

Clock Frequency Growth Rate

Transistor Count Growth Rate

Similar Story for Storage

The HPCC Dilemma and its Solution

What is Commodity Software

The Computing Pyramid

Implications of the Computing Pyramid

The 3 Roles of Java

Why is Java Worth Looking at?

What is Java Grande?

Java and Parallelism?

“Pure” Java Model For Parallelism

Pragmatic Computational Science August 1998


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