Table of Contents
Java GrandeRole of Java in Large Scale Computations
Abstract of NPACI Java Grande Presentation
The 3 Roles of Java
Synergy of Parallel Computing and WebInternetics as Unifying Principle
Why is Java Worth Looking at?
Java Grande ForumMotivation and Activities
What is Java Grande?
What is Goal of Java Grande Forum?
Activities of the Java Grande Forum I
Gosling onOperator Overloading
Activities of the Java Grande Forum II
Server Side Java Distributed ObjectsPragmatic Object WebWeb-based ComputingComputational GridsCoarse Grain Integration
The HPCC Dilemma and its Solution
What is Commodity Software
The Computing Pyramid
Implications of the Computing Pyramid
NPAC Concepts: Pragmatic Object Web
An Object Web-based 3-Tier Computing System
Pragmatic Object Web Technology Model - I
Pragmatic Object Web Technology Model - II
NPAC Concepts : HPcc High Performance commodity computing
Basic HPcc Strategy
Three Roles of Object Web Technologies in Computing
What is the Architecture ofMetaproblemsComplex HPCC Applications
Structure(Architecture) of Applications - I
Structure(Architecture) of Applications - II
Issues and Examples ofPragmatic Object Web
Today’s Pragmatic Object Web: The Confusing Multi-Technology Real World Middleware Server Layer
Different Choices -- Client Server Service
Todays Complex World will evolve to something like the pure CORBA Architecture for a distributed Information System (There are similar COM and Javabean/RMI Versions)
Specifying Server Side Objects
Comparison of 2 3 and 4 Tier Models
Two ways of Implementing Data Objects
Gateway SystemArchitectureLinking Clients, HPCC, and Modern Enterprise Systems
Multi-Server Model
So in our WebWisdom Distance Education System
Database Architecture for WebWisdom
Role of Collaboratory Systems
Architecture of Tango used in JSU Distance Education
Java as a Server Building Technology
While for High Performance Computing
Multi-Server Scenario
Multi Tier Gateway Architecture
What are General Capabilities in Gateway Tier?
What Particular Programs could run in Gateway Tier?
HPcc Prototype ImplementationWebFlow andJWORB
Exploiting Multi-Tier Commodity Software Model
Three Possible Implementations of CFD CSM Linkage
Picture of JavaBean and JDK1.1 AWT Event Model
Visual Programming WebFlow, DARP on GLOBUS
WebFlow WaveFilter Module
WebFlow + Globus Functional Architecture
WebFlow 3 Tier Architecture with High Performance Globus and High Functionality IIOP Gateway Layer Services
WebFlow SC’97 Demo
WebFlow over Globus at NCSAApplicationView
What are JavaBeans I
What are JavaBeans II
Next Steps for HPcc using JavaBeans
Minimal Web based Multidisciplinary Application
Comparison of Application Integration Communication/Linkage Models
Distributed Modeling and SimulationRTI as more general MPIJWORB illustrates POW
Integration of DIS with Object Web Based Computing
Summary of NPAC’s JWORB
JWORB - Java Web Object Request Broker
NPAC’s Object Web RTI
JWORB based Object Web RTI
IIOP Performance for Java ORB’s
Java IIOP Performance for Structures
C++ ORB Much Faster than Java!
HLA/RTI at Top Management Level
Architecture of HLA/RTI Services
HLA/RTI Management Structure
Resource Management and Scheduling
Java Seamless Computing Framework
What/Why is a Framework?
JDBC Software Architecture
Proposed Java Computing Services Framework
Possible Services in a Java Computing Framework - I
Possible Services in a Java Computing Framework - II
Java as a Scientific Programming LanguageSequential -- ParallelInterpreted -- Compiled
Java and Parallelism?
“Pure” Java Model For Parallelism
Java -- Interpreters and Compilers
Hierarchy of Software Levels
Parallel Computing v. Metacomputing
A Parallel Computer Viewed as a Single CORBA Object
Each Node of a Parallel Computer viewed as a Separate CORBA Object
Can HPcc Give High Performance if applied to each node of a parallel computer?
A Message or Protocol Optimization Bridge
MPI Java + Message Passing
NPAC mpiJava: A Java Interface to MPI
mpiJava Class Hierarchy
Shared Memory mpiJava Performance
Distributed Memory mpiJava Performance
Data Parallel HPJava: Motivations
HPJava Libraries
Distributed Array Syntax: HPJava Compared to HPF
Example: Red-black iteration
Preliminary HPJava Performance(outperforms Java due to libraries)