Java for Scientific Computing Introduction to Java Tutorial


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Table of Contents

Java for Scientific Computing Introduction to Java Tutorial

Abstract of Introduction to Java for CSE Tutorial

What and Why is Java in a Nutshell?

Why is Java worth looking at for Scientific Computing?

Why use the Web as basis for HPCC/Scientific Computing Software?

The Computing Pyramid

Implications of the Computing Pyramid

Java Applications and Applets and their use from HTML

Architecture of Java Applets

Architecture of Java Applications

Java Applications in a Nutshell

The Simplest Java Application: Hello,World!

Java Applets

Two ways to run a Java applet

The Simplest Java Applet: Hello, World!

Displaying your applet from a Web page.

More Details on Applet Tags - I

More Details on Applet Tags - II

<param> Tags and Applets

Java vs. JavaScript

General Discussion of Role of Java in Scientific and other Computing Applications

Computing Services at 3 levels

There are (at least) 3 Major Roles for JAVA in Computation -- i.e. it has a role at each layer

The 3 Roles of Java

Overall Features of Java and Associated Enterprises

History of Java Language and Team

History of Java Language and Team until Dec. 95

More Recent Java History

Some Key Java Features and Philosophy

Java Features -- It's Simple and Familiar!

Java Features -- It's Object-oriented

Java Features -- It's Architecture-Neutral

Java Features -- It's Portable

Java Features -- It's Somewhat Interpreted

Java Features -- It's Distributed (and can support parallel computing)

Java Features -- It's Robust

Java Features -- It's (Hopefully) Secure

Java Features -- High Performance

Java Features -- It's Multithreaded

Java Features -- It's Dynamic

Sun's Comparison of Language Features

JDK 1.1

JDK 1.2

Java Web Servers

Java Books -- I

Java Books -- II

Java Beta Books -- III

Resources for the Java Programming Language

Java Grande Forum Motivation and Activities

What is Java Grande?

What is Goal of Java Grande Forum?

Activities of the Java Grande Forum I

Gosling on Operator Overloading

Activities of the Java Grande Forum II

Java as a Scientific Programming Language Sequential -- Parallel Interpreted -- Compiled

Java and Parallelism?

“Pure” Java Model For Parallelism

Java -- Interpreters and Compilers

Hierarchy of Software Levels

MPI Java + Message Passing

Author: Geoffrey Fox


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