Table of Contents
Java Grande(a.k.a. Java for Scientific Computing orHigh Performance Computing)in a Nutshell
Abstract of CMU Java Grande Presentation
What is Java Grande?
What are the Issues in Java Grande?
What is the Process?
Why is Java Worth Looking at?
What is the Competition?
Why could Java succeed where Fortran and C++ failed?
PPT Slide
A Multi-Tier Computing System
What is Goal of Java Grande Forum?
Two types of Things the Forum is doing
Activities of the Java Grande Forum I
Gosling onOperator Overloading
Numerical Computing in Java
Matrix Multiplication Example
Java Grande Forum Proposals
Activities of the Java Grande Forum II
Some Remarks on Remote Method Invocation RMI
Performance for Java RMI/ORB’s
Java Performance for Structures
C++ ORB Much Faster than Java!
What should you do as a Java Grande believer?
WebFlow + High Performance Backend Functional Architecture
WebFlow Multi-TierJava plus high performance legacy code for NCSAAllianceQuantumChemistryApplicationView
Summary of NPAC’s JWORBnatural Building Block of the Gateway
Multi-Server Middle Tier
Java and Parallelism I?
Java and Parallelism II?
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
Where are we now?
Java Framework for Computing Services I
Proposed Java Computing Services Framework II
Possible Services in a Java Computing Framework