Java Grande Seamless Interfaces Multi Tier Gateway Systems


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Table of Contents

Java Grande Seamless Interfaces Multi Tier Gateway Systems

Abstract of MAPINT Java Grande Presentation

Java Grande Forum Motivation and Activities

Why is Java Worth Looking at?

What is Java Grande?

What is Goal of Java Grande Forum?

Activities of the Java Grande Forum I

Gosling on Operator Overloading

Activities of the Java Grande Forum II

Java Seamless Computing Framework or CORBA Facility for Computation

What/Why is a Framework?

JDBC Software Architecture

Proposed Java Computing Services Framework

Possible Services in a Java Computing Framework - I

Possible Services in a Java Computing Framework - II

Gateway System Architecture Linking Clients, HPCC, and Modern Multi Tier Enterprise Systems with CORBA Java COM ..

Multi Tier Architectures

Comparison of 2 3 and 4 Tier Models

Two ways of Implementing Data Objects

Multi Tier Gateway Architecture

Multi-Server Gateway Tier

Gateway Model for HPCC Multidisciplinary applications

What are General Capabilities in Gateway Tier?

What Particular Programs could run in Gateway Tier?

WebFlow and JWORB over GLOBUS

Gateway Building Blocks: JWORB WebFlow on GLOBUS

WebFlow WaveFilter Module

WebFlow as front end for Globus in Alliance Quantum Chemistry Simulations

WebFlow over Globus for NCSA Alliance Quantum Chemistry Application View

WebFlow on Globus -- LMS at CEWES

Summary of NPAC’s JWORB natural Building Block of the Gateway


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