Table of Contents
Java Grande(a.k.a. High Performance Java)in a Nutshell
Abstract of MIT/CMU Java Grande Presentation
What is Java Grande?
Java Grande Process: Approach and Activities
Why is Java Grande Worth Looking at?
What is the Competition?
Why could Java succeed where Fortran and C++ failed?
Three Roles of Java in Grande Computing
The 3 Roles of Java
What is Goal of Java Grande Forum?
Two types of Things we are doing
Activities of the Java Grande Forum I
Gosling onOperator Overloading
What's the Fuss about Performance?
More Details on Performance
Java Rules for Floating Point
JGF Proposed FP Execution Modes
Other Floating Point Issues
Activities of the Java Grande Forum II
RMI Performance
IIOP Performance for Java ORB’s
Java IIOP Performance for Structures
C++ ORB Much Faster than Java!
Java and multi-tier Grande Systems
Multi-Server Gateway Tier
WebFlow / JWORB Multi-Tier Model for Quantum Chemistry Simulations
WebFlow JavaAppletforQuantumChemistry
Summary of NPAC’s JWORBnatural Building Block for Java Grande
Java and Parallelism?
Where are we now?
What should you do as a Java Grande believer?
What/Why is a Framework?
Proposed Java Computing Services Framework
Possible Services in a Java Computing Framework
Synergy of Parallel Computing and WebInternetics as Unifying Principle