Forces Modeling and Simulation Demos and Lab Exercises


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Table of Contents

Forces Modeling and Simulation Demos and Lab Exercises

FMS Lab Demonstrations

Students Contributing Lab Materials:

Demos: FMS Training Space

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Demos: ASP for Web / Databases

Active Server Pages

ASP - Built-in Objects

ASP - Example Code I

ASP - Example Code I (contd.)

ASP - Example Code I (contd.)

ASP - Example Code II

ASP - Example Code II

ASP - Example Code II (contd.)

ASP - Example Code II (contd.)

ASP - Example Code II (contd.)

ASP - Example Code II (contd.)

ASP - Example Code II (contd.)

Demos: NetMeeting Collaboration

Netmeeting in Careweb

Demos: CORBA Collaboration

CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture

CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture

Summer ‘97



Services & Facilities.

Simple GuideLines For Collaboration

2nd Generation Java-based Collaboration API's

Collaboration Environments - The Next Frontier

CORBA, RMI and Java (Convergence Of Object Models)

Java CORBA combination

JDCE Features

Dynamics Of Collaboration

Dynamics of Collaboration(contd)

Exception Hierarchy

JDCE Client Exceptions

Data Bahn Exceptions

Client Events - A Reporting mechanism.

JDCE Messages

JDCE MessageQueue

JDCE Worker Threads

Starting the servers & setting up JDCE

Starting the servers & setting up JDCE

Binding to the sessionScheduler (CORBA) Vs (RMI)

Getting a handle to the DataBahn (CORBA)

Getting a handle to the DataBahn (RMI)

Publishing the Client Object Reference (CORBA)

Publishing the Client Object Reference (RMI)

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Demos: JWORB

JWORB - Java Web Object Request Broker

JWORB Demo for HTTP+IIOP Integration

JWORB Demo for HTTP+IIOP Integration

JWORB Performance

Demos: Rational Rose

UML Support in Rational Rose

Unravelling CMS Source

Demos: OMBuilder (Excel+VBA)

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Demos: VBA Self-Tutor

Objects and the Object hierarchy

Objects and the Object hierarchy

What is VBA ?

PPT Slide

Objects and the Object hierarchy

Special Features

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Expressions and Operators

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Working with numbers and Strings of Text

Numerical operations

String Operations

PPT Slide

Working with Objects

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Working with Excel Objects

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Working with Menus

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Recognizing Events

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Forms and Dialog Boxes

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Using VBScript in Outlook

Outlook Script Editor

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VBA for Project-98

Demos: WebFlow

WebFlow SC’97 Demo

WebFlow - Demo Snapshots

WebFlow/HPcc - Demo Snapshots

Before Summer ‘97

PPT Slide

WebFlow HPC Architecture

WebFlow Server

WebFlow Front-End & Middlware

WebFlow Middleware & Backend

Use of WebFlow/JWORB in WebHLA

Writing a Module

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

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PPT Slide

Registering the Module

Demos: Visual Authoring for Jager

WebHLA -RTI 1.0 Jager demo

Visual HLA Authoring for Jager

WebFlow+OMBuilder for Jager

WebFlow based Visual Simulation Tools

Demos - TVR / VRML

TVR Architecture (JSDA and CORBA Server versions)

TVR Demo Snapshots

Demos: TVR / DirectX-DirectPlay

Direct X Framework

PPT Slide

WebHLA based Virtual Prototyping Environment

Basic steps for using DirectDraw

Basic steps for using DirectPlay

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What is XML



Drawbacks Associated with HTML

Drawbacks Continued

Use of XML

Use of XML Continued



A Sample XML Document

An XML Document


The DTD File for the XML Document

The use of the Schema for the XML Document


Applications of XML


The Extensible Style-up Language


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