Table of Contents
Forces Modeling and SimulationDemos and Lab Exercises
FMS Lab Demonstrations
Students Contributing Lab Materials:
Demos: FMS Training Space
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
Demos: ASP for Web / Databases
Demos: NetMeeting Collaboration
Demos: CORBA Collaboration
CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture
CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture
Summer ‘97
Demos: JWORB
JWORB - Java Web Object Request Broker
JWORB Demo for HTTP+IIOP Integration
JWORB Demo for HTTP+IIOP Integration
JWORB Performance
Demos: Rational Rose
UML Support in Rational Rose
Unravelling CMS Source
Demos: OMBuilder (Excel+VBA)
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
Demos: VBA Self-Tutor
Demos: WebFlow
WebFlow SC’97 Demo
WebFlow - Demo Snapshots
WebFlow/HPcc - Demo Snapshots
Before Summer ‘97
PPT Slide
WebFlow HPC Architecture
WebFlow Server
WebFlow Front-End & Middlware
WebFlow Middleware & Backend
Use of WebFlow/JWORB in WebHLA
Demos: Visual Authoring for Jager
WebHLA -RTI 1.0 Jager demo
Visual HLA Authoring for Jager
WebFlow+OMBuilder for Jager
WebFlow based Visual Simulation Tools
Demos - TVR / VRML
TVR Architecture (JSDA and CORBA Server versions)
TVR Demo Snapshots
Demos: TVR / DirectX-DirectPlay
Direct X Framework
PPT Slide
WebHLA based Virtual Prototyping Environment
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PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide
PPT Slide