Internet Documents: Drafts, Memos and Standards
Some material presented here comes from Internet documents. Here is a summary of various document formats you may find.
Internet Drafts
- Working documents of the (IETF), its Area and Working Groups.
- Other groups may also distribute Internet Drafts.
- Some of these IDs are labelled by IETF-#.
- IDs are valid for a maximum of 6 months and may be updated, replaced or made obsolete by other documents at any time.
Internet Memos
- Referred to as RFC-# (Request for Comments)
- More formal and complete than Internet Drafts, usually represent standard proposals/candidates.
- Some RFCs become obsolete by subsequent RFCs, some others make it as standards
Internet Standards
- Labelled by STD-# and often associated with the RFC-# specs (e.g. Internet E-Mail is referred to as FRC-822 or STD-11)