Table of Contents
Servers and the Pragmatic Object WebJavabeans, CORBA, HLA, COM, RMI, XLM, MPI
NPAC Concepts
NPAC Concepts : HPcc High Performance commodity computing
NPAC Concepts: Pragmatic Object Web
Traditional 2 Tier Client Server Architecture
Typical 3 Tier Architecture
4 Tier Architecture for database example
So in our WebWisdom Distance Education System
While for High Performance Computing
Multi-Server Model
HLA/RTI at Top Management Level
Architecture of HLA/RTI Services
HLA/RTI Management Structure
Resource Management and Scheduling
Before Summer 97
CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture
CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture
Summer 97
WebHLA - Fall 97
NPAC Concepts: Visual Authoring
NPAC Technologies
NPAC Technologies: WebFlow
WebFlow Architecture - Servlet based Management
WebFlow HPC Architecture
WebFlow Server
WebFlow Front-End & Middleware
WebFlow Middleware & Backend
WebFlow - Demo Snapshots
WebFlow: HPCC Simulation
WebFlow WaveFilter Module
WebFlow SC97 Demo
NPAC Technologies: JWORB
JWORB - Java Web Object Request Broker
Demos: JWORB
JWORB Demo for HTTP+IIOP Integration
JWORB Demo for HTTP+IIOP Integration
IIOP Performance for Java ORBs
Java IIOP Performance for Structures
C++ ORB Much Faster than Java!
NPAC Techs: Globus Wrappers (contd)
NPAC Techs: Globus Wrappers (contd)
NPAC Techs: Object Web RTI
JWORB based Object Web RTI
Object Web RTI based Metacomputing
NPAC Technologies: Visual Authoring Tools for Metacomputing Applications
NPAC Visual Authoring Tools I
NPAC Visual Authoring Tools: Visual Composition using WebFlow
NPAC Visual Authoring Tools: Integrating with MS Office using VBA
NPAC Visual Authoring Tools: Integrating with UML for Visual Authoring
UML Support in Rational Rose
NPAC Technologies:Televirtual (TVR) Environments
HPC in the Internet Time: Early Application Domains and Prototypes
WebFlow over Globus at NCSAApplicationView
WebFlow over Globus at NCSA I
WebFlow over Globus at NCSA II
WebHLA: Visual HLA Authoring
HLA FEDEP Federation Development Process
WebFlow based Visual Simulation Tools for FEDEP
Use of WebFlow/JWORB in WebHLA
Towards WebHLA based Metacomputing:SBA Challenges and Opportunities
WebHLA based Virtual Prototyping Environment