Servers and the Pragmatic Object Web Javabeans, CORBA, HLA, COM, RMI, XLM, MPI ….


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Table of Contents

Servers and the Pragmatic Object Web Javabeans, CORBA, HLA, COM, RMI, XLM, MPI ….


NPAC Concepts

NPAC Concepts : HPcc High Performance commodity computing

NPAC Concepts: Pragmatic Object Web

Traditional 2 Tier Client Server Architecture

Typical 3 Tier Architecture

4 Tier Architecture for database example

So in our WebWisdom Distance Education System

While for High Performance Computing

Multi-Server Model


HLA/RTI at Top Management Level

Architecture of HLA/RTI Services

HLA/RTI Management Structure

Resource Management and Scheduling

Before Summer ‘97

CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture

CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture

Summer ‘97

WebHLA - Fall ‘97

NPAC Concepts: Visual Authoring

NPAC Technologies

NPAC Technologies: WebFlow

WebFlow Architecture - Servlet based Management

WebFlow HPC Architecture

WebFlow Server

WebFlow Front-End & Middleware

WebFlow Middleware & Backend

WebFlow - Demo Snapshots

WebFlow: HPCC Simulation

WebFlow WaveFilter Module

WebFlow SC’97 Demo

NPAC Technologies: JWORB

JWORB - Java Web Object Request Broker

Demos: JWORB

JWORB Demo for HTTP+IIOP Integration

JWORB Demo for HTTP+IIOP Integration

IIOP Performance for Java ORB’s

Java IIOP Performance for Structures

C++ ORB Much Faster than Java!

NPAC Techs: Globus Wrappers (contd)

NPAC Techs: Globus Wrappers (contd)

NPAC Techs: Object Web RTI

JWORB based Object Web RTI

Object Web RTI based Metacomputing

NPAC Technologies: Visual Authoring Tools for Metacomputing Applications

NPAC Visual Authoring Tools I

NPAC Visual Authoring Tools: Visual Composition using WebFlow

NPAC Visual Authoring Tools: Integrating with MS Office using VBA

NPAC Visual Authoring Tools: Integrating with UML for Visual Authoring

UML Support in Rational Rose

NPAC Technologies: Televirtual (TVR) Environments


HPC in the Internet Time: Early Application Domains and Prototypes

WebFlow over Globus at NCSA Application View

WebFlow over Globus at NCSA I

WebFlow over Globus at NCSA II

WebHLA: Visual HLA Authoring

HLA FEDEP Federation Development Process

WebFlow based Visual Simulation Tools for FEDEP

Use of WebFlow/JWORB in WebHLA

Towards WebHLA based Metacomputing: SBA Challenges and Opportunities

WebHLA based Virtual Prototyping Environment


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