Basic HTML version of Foils prepared September 13 98

Foil 4 More detailed Comments - I

From Seamless Interfaces, Multi-Tier Gateway Systems, Comments on Sandia DRM Design Analysis of ASCI DRM Design -- August 98. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski

1) In first foil (criteria/principles) we suggest adding
  • leverage of commodity investment
  • appropriate development and especially maintenance cost (only you can say what this is!)
2) We suggest that the establishment of an agreed object model for jobs and computers (or more generally resources) is implied by architecture
  • Our attempts to establish this community standard are described later as the "Java Seamless Computing Framework" -- next step in this activity (general meeting) is supported by both Globus and Java Grande Forum
  • In principle, such a standard would make it easier for HPCC systems such as Globus and Legion to co-exist with each other and with commodity services

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