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Pictorial View of Tango Features with tutorial

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at SIGGRAPH 98 Orlando on July 19-23 98. Foils prepared August 22 98

Pictorial Overview of Tango highlighting applications and features
Elementary Tango Tutorial
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Missing WebWisdom and Shared Browser

Table of Contents for Pictorial View of Tango Features with tutorial

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1 Multi-Lingual Collaborative Dance
2 Tango Interactive Web Collaboratory Share Any Application around the world PC and UNIX Platforms
3 Distance Learning
4 Electronic Communities
5 Crisis Management
6 Play Games
7 TangoInteractive is Sharing Your Web application
8 Getting Started with Tango I
9 Getting Started with Tango II
10 An Example of Tango Java Server, Web Servers and Clients Architecture of JSU Distance Education
11 Some Details on Tango Architecture
12 Architecture of Tango
13 Multi-Lingual Collaborative Dance
14 TangoInteractive is Just One Click -- Integrated into Web Browser
15 Getting Started with Tango III
16 Download the Java Controls Login into the Java Server
17 Click the Chat Icon to start a Session
18 Starting or Joining a Session
19 A Session is An Application and a Group of Users You can join a session
20 TangoInteractive can share Client Java Applets JavaScript Java Applications C++ Server Simulations Web-linked Databases CORBA Lotus Notes ....
21 What does Sharing Mean in Tango?
22 Two Shared Physics Simulations and audio video conferencing
23 More on Sharing in Tango
24 Multi-Lingual Collaborative Dance
25 Either Join or Master Remote Opens
26 Join or Remote Open Possible
27 Use Remote Open to add other Users
28 Select the Users for Remote Open
29 TangoInteractive is Sharing Your Web application
30 Changing the Master Status
31 You can Transfer Master Status
32 TangoInteractive can share Client Java Applets JavaScript Java Applications C++ Server Simulations Web-linked Databases CORBA Lotus Notes ....
33 Microsoft's NetMeeting runs under Tango -- It has a more limited sharing Model - Master
34 Tango supports Microsoft NetMeeting
35 Microsoft's NetMeeting runs under Tango -- It has a more limited sharing Model - Slave
36 Multi-Lingual Collaborative Dance
37 Control Applet has Administrative Tab with users and details about them
38 Users Information in Tango
39 Wake Up a User! Find their sessions and work status
40 TangoInteractive is Sharing Your Web application
41 Set Your Preferences in Configuration Tab
42 The Configuration Tab
43 Use Java Console from Netscape to Debug
44 Don't forget the Java Console!
45 Multi-Lingual Collaborative Dance
46 Tango has many Applications
47 TangoInteractive is a flexible framework -- 3 chats
48 Multimedia Applications
49 Download The Built in Digital Audio Video with Tango Client
50 Tango Interactive Web Collaboratory Share Any Application around the world PC and UNIX Platforms
51 Tango Offers Two White Boards
52 There are many Whiteboards
53 A Shared Java Mapper used in Crisis Management
54 You Choose what to share in Tango
55 TangoInteractive is Sharing Your Web application
56 Games are Natural in Tango Othello and the Magic Cube
57 More Applications: Games and Physics
58 Shared Simulations -- Fluid Flow and Planetary Motion
59 TangoInteractive can share Client Java Applets JavaScript Java Applications C++ Server Simulations Web-linked Databases CORBA Lotus Notes ....

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