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The unrealized Scientific Challenges: Retraining Scientists for the Information Age

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at NCSA Alliance EAC Meeting on September 21 99. Foils prepared October 3 99 and, "Internetics: Technologies, Applications and Academic Fields" Invited Chapter in Book :Feynman and Computation", edited by A.J.G. Hey, Perseus Books (1999)
We will discuss a broad definition of computational science to be the interdisciplinary area between computer science and all application areas.
We suggest traditionally that simulation has been focus of computational science but that today there is more student interest in information based applications and that these benefit from an interdisciplinary approach similar to simulation areas.
We discuss implications for physics education as an example of new Science Curricula for the Information Age

Table of Contents for The unrealized Scientific Challenges: Retraining Scientists for the Information Age

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1 The Unrealized Scientific Challenge: Retraining Scientists for the Information Age
2 Abstract of Internetics Presentation
3 Traditional Computational Science
4 Conventional Computational Science
5 Information Track of Computational Science
6 Information Track of Computational Science
7 Detailed Course Contents
8 What is Internetics ?
9 Internetics and Computational Science
10 Synergy of Parallel Computing and The Grid Internetics as Unifying Principle
11 Sample 1999 Java Academy Certificate
12 Impact of IT Worker Shortage on Physics and Engineering education
13 Internetics and Physics I
14 Internetics and Physics II
15 Internetics and Communicating Science

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