Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 19 99

Foil 5 Some General Issues II

From Remarks on Internet and Java Security Basic Information Track Computational Science Course CPS616 -- Spring Semester 1999. by Geoffrey Fox, Mehmet Sen

1 Java does have a very reasonable security model but it does not (did not) come with a complete implementation and so success of its security depends on additional capabilities.
  • Such as Server-Browser implementation of connections
  • The necessary extra stuff was (and is now to some extent) incomplete and had flaws (bugs in the software)
  • Authentication of creator of Java Applet
2 The Internet is particularly fragile as one mistake/successful "terrorist attack" can impact computers over the whole world
  • The previous highways (interstate roadways) could only be attacked at isolated points (unless one used nuclear weapons) and so required less stringent security concerns

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