Basic HTML version of Foils prepared May 19 99

Foil 66 JAVA Fine-grained Access Control-2

From Remarks on Internet and Java Security Basic Information Track Computational Science Course CPS616 -- Spring Semester 1999. by Geoffrey Fox, Mehmet Sen

Implies: All permissions must implement the implies method "a implies b" means that if one is granted permission "a", then one is also granted permission "b" Permission p1 = new FilePermission("/tmp/*", "read"); Permission p2 = new FilePermission("/tmp/readme", "read"); p1.implies(p2) == true p2.implies(p1) == false Policy: is a mapping from identity to a set of access permissions granted to the code. An example policy object ; grant CodeBase "", SignedBy "*" { permission "read,write", "/tmp/applets/*"; permission "connect", "*"; };

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