Given by Wojtek Furmanski at CPS714 Computational Science Information Track on June 16 99. Foils prepared July 6 99
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Distributed Web Object Computing: Architecture Overview |
Wojtek Furmanski |
CPS714, Syracuse University |
June 16, 1999 |
Distributed Web Object Computing: Architecture Overview (by Wojtek Furmanski) - top level discussion from the perspective of NPAC R&D in the area of Pragmatic Object Web (POW) |
Distributed Web Object Computing: Componentware Technologies (by Hasan T. Ozdemir) - technical comparative analysis of the latest & hottest Web/Commodity models (being evaluated for POW inclusion) : CORBA Components, Enterprise Java Beans and COM/Microsoft Transaction Server |
Objects - finest grain encapsulation & abstraction units (focus on inheritance, polymorphism etc.) |
Components - deployable collections of objects |
Containers - component collection managers |
Federates - local resource managers that comply with federation interoperability / composability rules |
Federations - globally managed distributed application with local authonomy |
Bottom-Up - Web/Commodity aggregates: Pages => Objects => Components => Containers => ? |
Top-Down - e.g. Advanced DoD HLA based Wargaming: ? <= Federates <= Federations |
Homogeneous - orthodox High Performance Computing: HPC must be `everywhere': obviously wrong but proper aggregation/encapsulation units not obvious |
Pragmatic Object Web - integrate competing models for distributed objects: Java, CORBA, COM, Web/XML and HLA |
High Performance Commodity Computing - use POW to integrate traditional HPC modules with new commodity clusters (NT, Linux or Solaris) |
POW+HPcc based Prototype Systems: WebHLA For Modeling and Simulation (today), Gateway for Computational Portals (next week) |
Distributed Computing becomes a commodity article (driven by Web techs) |
Market niches for orthodox MPP style HPC are shrinking |
NT clusters become a viable alternative |
Web/Commodity software - promising base to build new HPcc (commodity computing) |
3-(or more)-tier architecture - Web browser front-ends, legacy (e.g. databases, HPC modules) backends; fat (1+tier) middleware |
Alternative / competing Middleware models:
POW attempts at integrating various models in terms of multi-protocol middleware servers (JWORB) |
WebFlow - visual authoring for distributed applications over a mesh of middleware servers |
JWORB - a universal middleware server that integrates distributed object standards of CORBA, COM, Java and XML |
OWRTI - DoD standards based distributed simulation framework that integrates federation and collaboration |
WebHLA - a 3-tier Object Web computing environment with JWORB / OWRTI middleware, WebFlow visual authoring front-end and customer specific legacy backends |
3-tier Java system for visual composition of distributed applications in terms of dataflow modules running on a mesh of Web servers |
Java Web server (extended via WebFlow API) as middleware node |
Java applets for front-end graph authoring, module visualization, control, steering etc. |
Java wrapped legacy systems in the back-end |
WebFlow Architecture - Servlet based Management |
Current WebFlow is a custom 3-tier system |
Modules need to be aligned with distributed object/component standards of CORBA, COM and XML |
Front-end needs to be aligned with visual modeling standards such as UML (Uniform Modeling Language) |
Middleware server written in Java and supporting multiple distributed object protocols |
Current support for IIOP (CORBA), HTTP (today's Web) and XML (tomorrow's Web) |
JWORB integrates Web server and application server towards one powerful universal node of Pragmatic Object Web |
Easier to maintain, more affordable & compact |
The Second Wave |
Paul Dreyfus, Netscape |
Client |
Server |
Application |
Server |
Fulfillment |
System |
Financial |
System |
Inventory |
System |
Server |
Dynamic HTML, JavaScript, Java |
plug-ins, source code enhancements |
Java, C, C++, JavaScript, CGI |
Java, C, C++, JavaBeans, CORBA, DCOM |
Native languages |
Relational Database Server(s) |
Facilities |
Object Bus over IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol) |
Services |
JWORB - multi-protocol middleware server for object based High Performance Distributed Computing |
Support for DCE RPC in progress - this will enable DCOM Microsoft support |
Other relevant protocols to support : RTP family for streamlined audio/video |
CORBA Facilities on top of JWORB: Distributed Simulations (HLA), Workflow, Mobile Agents, OA&DF (UML), XMI etc. |
Other (non-CORBA) services e.g. JINI |
HLA (High Level Architecture) - a new DoD-wide object based standard for interoperability between distributed simulations |
RTI (Run-Time Infrastructure) - a middleware plug-and-play software bus (CORBA facility) |
HLA FOM (Federation Object Model) - a set of rules for Federates (modules) to join and play in HLA Federations (distributed interactive collaboratory / event-driven applications) |
OWRTI - a Java based implementation of RTI as JWORB (CORBA+COM+XML) facility |
Any JWORB component (CORBA object, COM components, XML scriptlet) can join WebHLA federation as OWRTI federate |
OWRTI federates can be programs (simulation), humans (collaboration) or intelligent agents (information) |
Runtime Infrastructure |
Data Collector/ |
Passive Viewer |
Federation Management Declaration Management |
Object Management Ownership Management |
Time Management Data Distribution Management |
C++ |
Ada-95 |
Java |
HLA RTI 1.3 |
Mod 2, Update 1 |
01 April 98 11 |
Life Participants |
Category |
Functionality |
Federation Management |
Create and delete federation executions |
Join and resign federation executions |
Control checkpoint, pause, resume, restart |
Declaration Management |
Establish intent to publish and subscribe to object attributes and interactions |
Object Management |
Create and delete object instances |
Control attribute and interaction |
publication |
Create and delete object reflections |
Ownership Management |
Transfer ownership of objects/attributes |
Time Management |
Coordinate the advance of logical time and its relationship to real time |
Data Distribution |
Management |
Controls the efficient routing of information between federates |
Data Distribution Management |
DMSO RTI - A Promising New Model for General Purpose High Level Metacomputing Operating Environment |
Implements DMSO RTI as JWORB service with 2 major CORBA objects: RTI Ambassador and Federate Ambassador |
Offers natural Web interfaces to HLA simulations via HTTP or IIOP channels |
Natural support for human-in-the-loop (Web surfers join WebHLA federation and can collabortate as WebHLA federates) |
Attractive model for High Level Metacomputing |
Our design is based on 10 CORBA interfaces, including
Since each Manager is mapped to an independent CORBA object, we can easily provide minimal support for distributed management by simply placing individual managers on different hosts. |
OWRTI - First Non-DMSO Implementation of RTI 1.3, to be certified by DMSO as part of FMS-5 |
From DoD perspective - a POW (JWORB) based implementation of HLA standard |
From Web/Commodity perspective - a 3-tier Web computing system with HLA model for federation, collaboration and negotiation |
Middleware given by JWORB + facilities (HLA, Agents, Workflow, UML etc.) |
Front-end given by any Web/Commodity tech e.g. Web browsers, Java applets, DirectX, VRML/X3D etc. |
Back-end given by any JWORB wrapped legacy modules / federates |
WebHLA integrates:
WebHLA is a PET FMS effort to implement HLA environment (RTI, OMT, FEDEP tools etc.) on top of Interactive Object Web technologies |
The goal is to provide Web based HLA-compliant training for FMS CHSSI systems such as SPEEDES, E-ModSAF, TEMPO/Thema, IMPORT, HPC RTI. |
Dual-use of WebHLA for High Performance Commodity Computing |
JWORB - Java Web Object Request Broker - middleware object /component bus (Web + ORB + COM + WOM server in Java) |
Object Web RTI - DMSO RTI 1.3 as JWORB service |
WebFlow - Web based visual dataflow authoring for HLA apps |
OMBuilder - OMT (FOM/SOM) Editor with OMDT look-and-feel but implemented as Excel+VBA commodity control |
Interactive Distance Training Space - DirectX multimedia multiplayer front-ends for training federates (live collaboration) linked to real-time HPC simulations and databases |
HPC M&S Modules - e.g. Parallel CMS (Minefield) from Ft. Belvoir ported to Origin2000 and integrated with ModSAF |
Demo 1: Using WebFlow for visual authoring of HLA applications (Jager game) |
Demo 2: Building multiplayer games (Jager Donuts) with Microsoft DirectX front-end and OWRTI middleware collaboration support |
Demo 3: Using WebHLA to integrate large scale DoD M&S application - Parallel CMS (Comprehensive Minefield Simulation) |
OMBuilder for WebFlow based Visual HLA Authoring |
WebHLA authoring tools: WebFlow + OMBuilder for DMSO Jager HLA application/demonstration |
Similar to HLA/RTI but |
without object/database model |
(OMT, OML, FOMs, SOMs) |
DirectX based SimVis Commodity Tools for CMS (left) and Jager (below) |
This project is collaboration between NPAC and Ft. Belvoir, VA, sponsored by DoD HPCMO. |
CMS (Comprehensive Mine Simulator) cooperates with ModSAF vehicles and is used by Ft. Belvoir for countermine R&D. |
NPAC developed Parallel CMS for Origin2000, to be followed by WebHLA based Metacomputing CMS (on a distributed meta-cluster of HPC systems) |
Korea, Kuweit military operations used minefields of 1M+ mines - HPC is needed to simulate such systems |
WebHLA app, builds on JWORB/OWRTI Middleware |
Includes Parallel CMS module as HPC Federate |
Includes ModSAF, SimVis, Playback etc. Federates |
Early WebHLA demos (Jager) - Summer 98 |
Early Parallel CMS Demo at SC'98, Fall 98 |
Mobile laptop demo (event playback) - Feb `99 |
HLA conversion of all modules (CMS, ModSAF) - March `99 |
Multi-MSRC Metacomputing demos - work in progress |
Final goal: Scalability up to 1M+ mine objects (by 2000) |
Parallel CMS Demo: HPCMO Booth, SC'98, Orlando, FL |
Parallel CMS: DIS/HLA Bridge, Playback, DirX SimVis |
CMS Front-End for the Ft. Knox Minefield Breach Operation |
ModSAF Front-End for the Ft. Knox Minefield Breach Operation |
Mak Stealth - High End SGI Viewer adapted for Parallel CMS |
Parallel CMS Performance Monitor and PDU Sampler/Sniffer |
Direct3D based Commodity (NT) Front-End for Parallel CMS |
JWORB , OWRTI , OMBuilder - Core WebHLA infrastructure |
Parallal CMS - Origin2000 port of CMS from Ft. Belvoir |
JScope - Java based parallel performance monitor and PDU probing tool |
JDIS - Java based DIS=>HLA bridge server (for ModSAF subnet) |
SimVis - in-house DirectX based 3D simulation visualization front-end |
Mak Stealth -commercial 3D battlefield visualizer |
Logger Federate - used to save simulation events in a relational database |
Playback Federate - used to replay a simulation from an event database |
Meta-Cluster Manager - to coordinate HPC platforms at various MSRCs |
SPEEDES based Parallel CMS - to assure optimal scalability and portability |
SPEEDES (Synchronous Parallel Environment for Emulation and Discrete Event Simulation) - developed in early `90 at NASA/JPL by Jeff Steinman, now continued by Metron, Inc. |
State-of-the-art optimistic parallel / distributed event simulation (PDES) system |
Breathing Time Warp algorithm for optimistic time management: optimistic/riskfull independent time evolution segments with periodic synchronization |
SPEEDES - Core HPC Simulation Engine for FMS CHSSI projects (FMS-3, FMS-4, FMS-5) |
FMS PET develops WebHLA based SPEEDES Training |
Current Plan includes:
Other PET FMS links with SPEEDES:
Establish WebHLA based multi-DoD-site FMS Metacomputing support, starting from ARL & CEWES MSRCs and adding some DCs (NRL?, SPAWAR?) |
Complete FMS Training Space, deploy advanced distance training for SPEEDES and then IMPORT, HPC RTI, E-ModSAF, Tempo/Thema |
Develop HPC Intelligent Agents with FMS CHSSI and JSIMS/Maritime on top of SPEEDES and WebHLA |
Promote dual-use of WebHLA for general purpose Metacomputing (DoE/Sandia, NSF/Alliance, DARPA/Teknowledge, Industry) |
Current DoD M&S community - conversion from DIS to HLA complex, requires non-trivial consulting and tools |
Simulation based Acquisition - next generation applications for concurrent engineering, virtual prototyping (DoD, large manufacturing) |
Interactive Internet - on-line multiplayer gaming, virtual communities, telemedicine, interactive training, televirtual environments |
WebFlow - good architecture, wrong (custom) tier technologies |
JWORB/OWRTI - promising middleware integrator, needs an upgrade with the latest componentware techs (next lecture) |
Need visual authoring standards for the front-end such as UML (Uniform Modeling Language) |
Need back-end HPC M&S standards such as SPEEDES |
Activity |
Diagrams |
A model is a complete |
description of a system |
from a particular |
perspective |
Models |
Captures system functionality as seen by users |
Captures the vocabulary of a system |
Captures instances and links |
Captures the topology of a system's hardware |
Captures dynamic behavior (time-oriented) |
Captures dynamic behavior (spatial based, message-oriented) |
Captures dynamic behavior (event-oriented) |
Captures dynamic behavior (activity-oriented) |
Captures the physical structure of the implementation |
Rational Rose - flagship product and leading tool from Rational |
Rational Suite for full Software Eng Process |
Other products (Together/J, Platinum, Select) |
New/Emergent OMG Specifications - OA&D Facility (CORBA UML), XMI (XML Metadata Interface), SPE (Software Process Engineering), Workflow, Mobile Agents, RTI |
Implement UML over WebHLA/JWORB |
Offer UML-compliant extensibility for componentware authoring and composition |
Support range of granularities: Objects, Components, Containers, Federates |
Fine-tune for selected HPC domains such as Visual SPEEDES |
Try to extend to broader non-HPC domains |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_S_ |
HLA_2 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_Event |
Handler_1 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_ |
Event_1 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_ |
Process_1 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_ |
Component |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_Event |
Handler_2 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_S_ |
HLA_1 |
interrupts |
enacts, |
+0 |
enacts, +4 |
+2 |
waits, |
+10 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_Gate |
wakes up |
opens, +0 |
closes |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_ |
Object_1 |
1..5 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_S_ |
HLA_3 |
GetNODE():int |
NODE:int = 1 |
APP_ |
Process_2 |
asks |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_ |
Event_1 |
+7 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_ |
Object_3 |
NODE:int = 1 |
GetNODE():int |
APP_ |
Object_2 |
2..* |
* |
+0 |
GetNODE():int |
+6 |
Ship |
Radar |
interrupts |
enacts, |
+0 |
enacts, +4 |
+2 |
waits, |
+10 |
wakes up |
opens, +0 |
closes |
1..5 |
GetNODE():int |
asks |
+7 |
2..* |
* |
+0 |
+6 |
"Deto- |
nate" |
"Begin |
Scan" |
Alert |
Head- |
quarters |
Initialize |
Missile |
Head- |
quarters |
Missile |
Ship |
Controller |
Trajectory |
Gate |
Detonate |
Anayzer |
Ship |
Data |
Detonate |
Statistics |
Event |
1 |
Process |
1 |
Comp |
1 |
Misc. |
Object |
Gate |
3 |
1 |
2 |
starts |
+3 |
Process |
2 |
"Deto- |
nate" |
enacts |
asks, +3 |
returns |
Ask |
Process |
starts |
kills |
removes, +15 |
asks |
returns |
Process |
3 |
starts |
waits for |
schedules |
Event |
2 |
opens, +? |
wakes up |
Comp |
2 |
"Up- |
date" |
"Up- |
date" |
enacts |
enacts |
Comp 1 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
starts |
enacts |
asks, +3 |
returns |
starts |
kills |
removes, |
+15 |
asks |
returns |
starts |
waits for |
schedules |
opens, +? |
wakes up |
enacts |
enacts |
Misc. |
Object |
"Deto- |
nate" |
Event |
1 |
Event |
2 |
Process |
1 |
Process |
2 |
Process |
3 |
Ask |
Process |
Gate |
"Up- |
date" |
Comp 2 |
"Up- |
date" |
P_act_1/ |
ship_1 |
P_act_2/ |
ship_2 |
P_act_3/ |
ship_3 |
starts |
enacts |
condition 2 |
condition 1 |
"e2"/ship_2 |
E_init/ |
ship_1 |
resource granted |
activ_1 |
activ_2 |
activ3 |
integer |
init |
starts |
enacts |
"e2" |
ship_2 |
condition 2 |
condition 1 |
ship_1 |
ship_3 |
resource granted |