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Basic foilset DATORR Gateway and WebFlow

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox, Tom Haupt at HPTi Visit to NPAC on February 18 1999. Foils prepared February 20 1999
Outside Index Summary of Material

We describe DATORR -- a national activity to set standards to allow general clients seamless access to general backend compute resources
We describe Gateway - a ASC MSRC PET Project to provide a specific realization of DATORR with a rich web launching environment for each CTA
  • Involves Nicholls (ASC), OSC, NPAC, in Core project and
  • Tennessee, NCSA and OSU in associated activities
We describe WebFlow - an NPAC "Pragmatic Object Web" technology used in NCSA Alliance and CEWES projects to develop prototype web launching (web PSE's) environments

Table of Contents for full HTML of DATORR Gateway and WebFlow

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1 DATORR Gateway and WebFlow
2 Abstract of Gateway/DATORR Presentation
3 Java Grande Activity DATORR Desktop Access to Remote Resources
4 Motivation for Datorr Why desktop access?
5 Seamless Interfaces
6 Multi-Server Middle Tier
7 Gateway
8 DATORR Interfaces and 3 Tier Architecture
9 Architecture of Gateway
10 Gatekeeper and Client
11 Security Model in Gateway
12 www.datorr.org
13 WebFlow Applications
14 WebFlow + High Performance Backend Functional Architecture
15 WebFlow over Globus for NCSA Alliance Quantum Chemistry Application View
16 Quantum Chemistry: Front-End
17 LMS: Changes in Vegetation
18 WebFlow on Globus -- LMS at CEWES
19 LMS Front-End

Outside Index Summary of Material

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 1 DATORR Gateway and WebFlow

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
Full HTML Index
ARL Meeting Feb 18 1999
Tom Haupt, Geoffrey Fox
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
Syracuse University
111 College Place
Syracuse NY

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 2 Abstract of Gateway/DATORR Presentation

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
Full HTML Index
We describe DATORR -- a national activity to set standards to allow general clients seamless access to general backend compute resources
We describe Gateway - a ASC MSRC PET Project to provide a specific realization of DATORR with a rich web launching environment for each CTA
  • Involves Nicholls (ASC), OSC, NPAC, in Core project and
  • Tennessee, NCSA and OSU in associated activities
We describe WebFlow - an NPAC "Pragmatic Object Web" technology used in NCSA Alliance and CEWES projects to develop prototype web launching (web PSE's) environments

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 3 Java Grande Activity DATORR Desktop Access to Remote Resources

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
Full HTML Index
Development of ASC Gateway coincides with DATORR standardization initiative
DATORR Could lead to definition of CORBA facilities or Java framework for computing services
DATORR Defines:
  • Abstract Task Specification ("user view")
  • Metacomputing Services API ("system view")
  • This includes definitions of properties of a computer/database/network and establishing Security Standards

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 4 Motivation for Datorr Why desktop access?

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
Full HTML Index
Very many machines, platforms, Operating Systems
Though a good/necessary thing, using them in changing environment becomes difficult for users.
  • Enable Uniform or seamless access to general backend compute, communication and information resources
  • Hide details and satisfy "majority of" customers
Datorr will help metacomputing but goals are focussed on a subset of issues and aimed at establishing interoperability standards -- reference implementations may follow but are not direct goal

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 5 Seamless Interfaces

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
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Seamless Interface
User View
System View
2 working groups at
DATORR meetings

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 6 Multi-Server Middle Tier

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
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Matrix Solver
Optimization Service
Parallel DB Proxy
NEOS Control Optimization
Origin 2000 Proxy
NetSolve Linear Alg. Server
IBM SP2 Proxy
Supporting Java
Agent-based Choice of Compute Engine
Multidisciplinary Control (WebFlow)
Data Analysis Server

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 7 Gateway

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
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Provides infrastructure supporting development of problem solving environments (PSE)
  • create user space
  • define problem
  • identify resources
Provides seamless and secure access to remote resources
  • allocate resources
  • monitor resources
Initial PSE is CCM and this will provide template for others -- early on CEA CEN
Ken Flurchick, http://www.osc.edu/~kenf/Gateway

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 8 DATORR Interfaces and 3 Tier Architecture

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
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User Modules
Data Flow
Task Specification
Metacomputing Services
Back-End Resources

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 9 Architecture of Gateway

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
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HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 10 Gatekeeper and Client

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
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HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 11 Security Model in Gateway

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
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Front End Applet
& authorization
HPCC resources
Layer 1: secure Web
Layer 2: secure CORBA
Layer 3: Secure access to resources
Policies defined by resource owners

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 12 www.datorr.org

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
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We will set up a process to define key properties of major HPCC machines as an XML database
  • IBM SP, SGI Origin 2000, Cray T3E, Cluster of Workstations/PC's, Tera MT, Sun E10000
  • Many projects currently have competing and incomplete databases which will include properties such as
  • number of nodes, memory size, network QoS, CPU Type ...
A unifying concept for resource database is www.datorr.org which web site(s) will support registration , lookup and display of world's compute resources
  • It will have XML search engine and
  • and a simple interface allowing one to query and display status of registered machines
  • Globus Condor Legion will provide richer interfaces

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 13 WebFlow Applications

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
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Quantum Simulations
  • Alliance/NCSA
  • demonstrated at Alliance `98 meeting
  • technical paper presented at SC'98
Landscape Management System LMS
Illustrate Gateway Concept as end to end system with similar architecture but not with reproducible architecture

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 14 WebFlow + High Performance Backend Functional Architecture

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
Full HTML Index

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 15 WebFlow over Globus for NCSA Alliance Quantum Chemistry Application View

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
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HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 16 Quantum Chemistry: Front-End

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
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HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 17 LMS: Changes in Vegetation

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
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A decision maker (the end user of the system) wants to evaluate changes in vegetation in some geographical region over a long time period caused by some short term disturbances such as a fire or human's activities.
  • One of the critical parameters of the vegetation model is soil condition at the time of the disturbance.
  • This in turn is dominated by rainfalls that possibly occur at that time
Components of Application Include:
  • Data retrieval
  • Data preprocessing
  • Simulation: two interacting codes
    • EDYS
    • CASC2D
  • Visualization

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 18 WebFlow on Globus -- LMS at CEWES

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
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Data Retrieval
High Performance SubSystem
Web Browser
Data Wizard
WMS interface
File Transfer
File Transfer
WebFlow modules
WebFlow applet

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared February 20 1999

Foil 19 LMS Front-End

From DATORR Gateway and WebFlow HPTi Visit to NPAC -- February 18 1999. *
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