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China Trip Peking Harbin Hangzghou and Xi'an CVS562723

Given by Fox Family at China on July 14-26,96. Photos prepared Oct 21 96

Disposable Kodak Camera
Great Wall At Peking
Around the Universities -- Peking and Post and Telegraph
Harbin Temple

Table of Contents for China Trip Peking Harbin Hangzghou and Xi'an CVS562723

001 Bears at the Great Wall 
002 Bears at the Great Wall
003 Bears at the Great Wall
004 Bears at the Great Wall
005 Fortress at the Great Wall
006 Fortress at the Great Wall
007 The Great Wall
008 Pamela and Heather feeding goat
009 Pamela and Heather feeding goat
010 Breakfast at the Peking University Restaurant
011 Packing our suitcases
012 Don cutting the turkey
013 Dinner at Professors house
014 Food on turntable at restaurant
015 Heather and Pamela at restaurant
016 Restaurant with bright lights outside
017 Butterfly sculpture made of greenery
018 Heather and Oliver at the modern hotel restaurant
019 Small gods at temple
020 Small gods at temple
021 Small gods at temple
022 Pamela standing next to water basin
023 Group from NorthWest University gathered around table eating lunch
024 Group from NorthWest University gathered around table eating lunch

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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