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Middle School Open House 6 to 8.45pm for Heather and Pamela

Given by Geoffrey or Pamela Fox at JDMS on 3 March 98. Photos prepared 6 March 98

Heather Fox and Detective Agency
Pamela Fox and Science Projects
Pamela Fox's friends including Band Concert
see Pamela Fox's Science Project
see Car Science Project
see Concert I
see Concert II
see Concert III
see Concert IV

Table of Contents for Middle School Open House 6 to 8.45pm for Heather and Pamela

001 Rosemary Kennett, Seval, and Charlie in front of Rube Goldberg 
002 Rosemary Kennett in front of plants in science room
003 Heather teaching puzzles in Language Arts room
004 Heather smiling hypnotically at the camera in Language Arts room
005 Heather looking over her victims puzzle extraordinaires in 
    Language Arts room
006 Amy Russell and Amy Pierson
007 Marley Delducetto, Amy Russell, Amy Pierson and Andrea Zaplatynsky
     in cafeteria
008 Stephanie Cha in front of band room
009 Mrs. Carapella in band room
010 Heather practicing her hypnotic stare in the Language Arts room 
011 Sara Wohlers as taken by Lino

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