Oliver's Graffiti |
Waiting for buses afterschool at JDHS |
Pamela's friends at her house |
001 Meg sitting on Pam on couch in living room, Liz in chair next to it, Heather on floor. 002 Steph, Liz, Meg, and Pam in Pamela's living room on the couch. 003 Stephie from an upward perspective. 004 Pamela waiting afterschool for buses. 005 Bill playing around outside school main entrance while waiting for buses. 006 The view of a bus outside school. 007 Antonio in front of the school main entrance after school. 008 Pamela smiling outside the school main entrance. (rotate) 009 Oliver in front of Syracuse Area Graffiti (Hello Kitty.) 010 Oliver in front of Syracuse Area Graffiti (Hello Kitty.) 011 Syracuse Area Graffiti 012 Syracuse Area Graffiti 013 Syracuse Area Graffiti. 014 Oliver standing next to Syracuse Area Graffiti. 015 Syracuse Area Graffiti (Hello Kitty). 016 Nick, Oliver's friend, about to step into the car. 017 An upward perspective of Jon Saunders stepping out from a car. 018 A beautiful sunset from the Fox house in the fall. 019 Oliver Fox at the bus stop in the morning.