Ann's going away party at Bethany's house |
Heather's Halloween with Jackie |
Some random shots at home |
001 Tim and Liz wrestling in Bethany's basement. 002 Karen, Meg, and Beth next to the piano. 003 Mike rolling on the ground. 004 Mike rolling on the ground part deux. 005 Mike in a meditative state of mind in Bethany's house. 006 Tim and Liz wrestling again. 007 Liz turning away, laughing. 008 Ann and Bethany on the couch in Beth's basement. 009 A group shot of Lynn, Pam, Sara, Meg, Liz, Beth, Cori, Caitlin, Katie, and Lauren at Ann's going away party. 010 A black and white shot of heather posing in her Halloween costume. 011 Jackie preparing the Halloween candy in her outfit. 012 Jackie and Kaylee next to the candy. 013 Pamela reading a very boring book in the living room. 014 Judy cooking yet another concoction in the kitchen.