See action items at the end. I would recommend ASC ( DoD modernization) participation in proposed initiative Short Report on Workshop on Seamless Computing ( September 16-17 Reading England at ECMWF European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Organizer: Jim Almond from ECMWF Keynote Speech: G. Fox ( About 30 Participants -- mainly from Europe This had similarities to MAPINT97 except it was focussed on "interoperable interfaces" and studied "computing" and not application issues. Many of participants were from staff of large computer centers and so practical issues were uppermost. Multidisciplinary applications were not studied but metacomputing was discussed as context. As at MAPINT97, von Laszewski and Grimshaw gave talks on Globus and Legion respectively. Another American talk was from Devaney (NIST) on their WebSubmit system which is an interoperable Web interface. Other talks were from European participants in metacomputing and interoperable (seamless) interfaces. Perhaps the most important (to ASC) was UNICORE which is a significant German funded project to develop a common interface to a set of Supercomputers including SGI-Cray, IBM and Japanese vendors. Note each of 4 vendors is committing about .5 person-years each to support this activity by mapping common interface to their hardware platforms. In the final afternoon, a pretty good discussion was had which resulted in (from my point of view) some good agreed directions. It was agreed that it was desireable to agree on a set of common services and capabilities needed by jobs (the so called abstract job or abstract machine). As a start to defining these, a web page will be produced with relevant links and with both a one page executive summary and a longer white paper summarizing issues in areas where common services need to be defined. The summary and white paper will be produced off-line by the participants with editing by Jim Almond and Mark Baker (Now at Portsmouth,England but an ex-staff member of NPAC who spent summer in Syracuse working in this area) A Birds of a Feather Session will be held at SC97 and Baker will edit a special issue of Concurrency:Practice and Experience for papers on this topic. Other action items include solicitation of vendor interest!