Hogg IJMPC Paper Referee Report This is an intriguing paper, which should be published. I am familiar with the broad field of heuristic optimization/search but not the particular developments discussed here. Thus my remarks may be too imprecise to be useful. I found thee term "problem structure" as a little unclear and in fact misunderstood early parts of paper until I got to example at the end. In section 5, the term refers in fact to "subproblem probability of solution". It would be useful to discuss the "definition of structure" more intuitively in abstract and introduction so general reader understands the basic ideas without reading whole paper. I note that in other fields of optimization, defining structure as value of energy (or general function) and always minimizing/maximizing this, gives the generally poor greedy algorithms. Should I think of "structure" as more akin to entropy than energy? Hogg Letter Dear XYZ: We enclose a referee report on Hogg: We would be happy to publish your paper but give you opportunity to improve paper based on your new ideas or the referee comments. Thank you for your interest in International Journal of Modern Physics C.