Introduction The application talks from Boeing and NASA ICASE had a similar message. Large-scale computation for aircraft design is going to gain in importance but the challenges are not primarily the core differential equation solvers. Work on these is still important, as meshes of increasing complexity will be needed for future simulations. However the most critical issues are integration of simulation more effectively into the full design through production cycle. Grid generation speed, multi-disciplinary optimization, linkage of computation and experiment (wind tunnel), reliable error estimates, predictable turn-around and technologies to link engineers around the country were some of the systems issues discussed. The software talks from Alan Carle and Geoffrey Fox correspondingly stressed the approaches to these systems issues. They discussed technologies to support computational grids and the integration of commodity information services into high performance systems. The complexity of aircraft design imply that large scale distributed systems are important even if an individual computational component may be implemented a single high performance system or a relatively closely coupled cluster. Salas You have Cosner Due Monday Software Discussion A computational grid is a large-scale high performance distributed computing system that presents new challenges from the heterogeneity of the nodes and the variable and sometimes poor performance of network latency and bandwidth. Application support should include both programming the typically data parallel simulation modules and the composition of modules to build complete processing systems. So the challenges are supporting fine grain concurrency within a single processor, data parallelism within a tightly coupled system and dataflow or other compositional model between nodes of the grid. Carle reviewed the available technologies: auto-parallelism, explicit communication, distributed shared memory, data parallel languages, task or module parallelism, libraries typically supporting SPMD programming, programming tools, resource management, latency tolerance and run-time compilation. Each approach has clear positive and negative features and any successful programming environment must combine many of these together. Any good approach is likely to need performance estimation, whole-program compilation, new approaches to compilation for scripted and visual environments, run-time compilation, libraries and programming support tools. Fox stressed that there were important systems engineering advantages in building computational grid support on "commodity technologies" such as CORBA and the Web. This allowed one to exploit database, collaboration and the natural software integration capabilities of these impressive commercial systems designed for pervasive information systems such as worldwide commerce and corporate enterprise Intranets. There are some critical research issues in how best to incorporate high performance into these systems without losing the power and flexibility of the commodity approach.