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Angus, I. G., Fox, G. C., Kim, J. S., and Walker, D. W. Solving Problems on Concurrent Processors: Software for Concurrent Processors, volume 2. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1990.

Fox, G. C., Johnson, M. A., Lyzenga, G. A., Otto, S. W., Salmon, J. K., and Walker, D. W. Solving Problems on Concurrent Processors, volume 1. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988.

Fox, G. C. ``Parallel computing in industry---an initial survey,'' in Proceedings of Fifth Australian Supercomputing Conference (supplement), pages 1--10. Communications Services, Melbourne, December 1992. Held at World Congress Centre, Melbourne, Australia. Syracuse University Technical Report SCCS-302b. CRPC-TR92219.

Fox, G., Bogucz, E., Jones, D., Mills, K., and Podgorny, M. ``InfoMall: a scalable organization for the development of HPCC software and systems.'' Technical Report SCCS-531, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, September 1993. Unpublished.

Fox, G. C., Messina, P. C., and Williams, R. D., editors. Parallel Computing Works! Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, CA, 1994.

Fox, G., and Mills, K. Information Processing and Opportunities for HPCN Use in Industry, pages 1--14. Number 796 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, New York, April 1994. Proceedings of HPCN Europe 1994, ``High Performance Computing and Networking.''

Fox, G., and Mills, K. ``Information processing and HPCC applications in industry,'' in Proceedings of Annual 1994 Dual-use Conference, Utica, NY, May 1994. IEEE Mohawk Valley.

Mills, K., and Fox, G. C. ``HPCC applications development and technology transfer to industry,'' in I. D. Scherson, editor, The New Frontiers: A Workshop on Future Directions of Massively Parallel Processing, pages 58--65, Los Alamitos, CA, October 1993. IEEE Computer Society Press.

Mills, K., and Fox, G. ``InfoMALL: an innovative strategy for high-performance computing and communications applications development,'' Internet Research, 4:31--45, 1994.

Mills, K. ``Opportunities for HPCC use in industry: Opportunities for a new software industry in HPCC.'' Technical Report SCCS-617, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, March 1994. To be published in Parallel Computing: Paradigms and Applications, Chapman and Hall Publishers, London, UK.

Geoffrey Fox, Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University,