Up: The Use of Previous: 4.4 Summary
- 1
- Geoffrey C. Fox. Overview of NII for ASOP, July 1995. NASA Langley Workshop, http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/virtuniv95/fullindex.html.
- 2
- Tim Berners-Lee, R. Cailliau, J. F. Groff, and B. Pollermann. World-Wide Web: the information universe. Electronic Networking: Research, Applications and Policy, 2(1):52--58, 1992. For the most recent developments, check http://www.w3.org/
- 3
- A. Richmond. The Web developer's virtual library. http://www.stars.com/index.html, http://www.stars.com/Vlib/ (contains all relevant Web technology references).
- 4
- Gary Wolf. The curse of Xanadu, 1995. HotWired article WIRED 3.06, http://www.hotwired.com/wired/3.06/features/xanadu.html.
- 5
- Tim Berners-Lee. Internet RFC 1738: uniform resource locators (URL), December 1994. http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/htbin/rfc/rfc1738.html.
- 6
- Tim Berners-Lee and Daniel W. Connolly, Hypertext markup language:
- A representation of the textual information and metainformation for
- for retrieval and interchange, CERN WWW pages, 1993. For the most recent
- specification of HTML 2.0 by the W3 Consortium, see:
- http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/MarkUp/html-spec/html-spec_toc.html
- 7
- M. Andreessen. NCSA Mosaic: Technical Summary. Technical report, NCSA, May 1993.
- 8
- Harvest Team. The Harvest information discovery and access system. http://harvest.cs.colorado.edu/.
- 9
- S. Weibel, J. Godby, E. Miller, and R. Daniel. OCLC/NCSA metadata workshop: The essential elements of network object description. http://www.oclc.org:5046/conferences/metadata/.
- 10
- Antony Courtney. Phantom: An interpreted language for distributed programming. In Proceedings of the USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies (COOTS), June 1995.
- 11
- Kaleida Labs. Script X examples. http://www.kaleida.com/technical/examples/index.html.
- 12
- General Magic, Inc. Magic cap concepts. http://www.genmagic.com/MagicCapDocs/Concepts/introduction.html.
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- Geoffrey C. Fox, Paul C. Messina, and Roy D. Williams, editors. Parallel Computing Works! Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, CA, 1994. http://www.infomall.org/npac/pcw/.
- 14
- S. Spero. HTTP-NG architectural overview. http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Protocols/HTTP-NG/http-ng-arch.html.
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- Geoffrey C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski, Marina Chen, Claudio Rebbi, and James H. Cowie. WebWork: integrated programming environment tools for national and grand challenges. Technical Report SCCS-715, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, June 1995. Joint Boston-CSC-NPAC Project Plan to Develop WebWork.
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- J. Cowie and T. Haupt. Common runtime support for high performance Fortran. In Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium, April 1995. http://aldebaran.npac.syr.edu:1955/CCDDspec/DDDF.
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- G. C. Fox, S. Ranka, M. Scott, A. D. Malony, J. Browne, M. Chen, A. Choudhary, T. Cheatham, J. Cuny, R. Eigenmann, A. Fahmy, I. Foster, D. Ganno, T. Haupt, M. Karr, C. Kesselman, C. Koelbel, W. Li, M. Lam, T. LeBlanc, J. OpenShaw, D. Padua, C. Polychronopolous, J. Saltz, A. Sussman, G. Wigand, and K. Yelick. Runtime support for high performance parallel languages. In Supercomputing '93, 1993. http://aldebaran.npac.syr.edu:1955.
- 18
- Java/HotJava Programming language and Web browser, April 1995. Alpha Release, http://java.sun.com.
- 19
- Gavin Bell, Anthony Parisi, and Mark Pesce. The virtual reality modeling language. Version 1.0 Specification, http://vrml.wired.com/vrml.tech/vrml10-3.html.
- 20
- Virtual reality modeling language forum. http://vrml.wired.com.
- 21
- G. Fox, W. Furmanski, P. Hornberger, J. Niemiec, and D. Simoni. Implementing televirtuality. Applications of Virtual Reality, 1994. British Computer Society, Computer Graphics and Displays Group, http://www.npac.syr.edu/PROJECTS/PUB/wojtek/hpsin/doc/tvr.ps.
- 22
- W. Furmanski. MOVIE Multitasking Object-oriented Visual Interactive Environment. Morgan-Kaufmann, 1994. http://www.npac.syr.edu/PROJECTS/PUB/wojtek/hpsin/movie.html.
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- Gang Cheng, Chris Faigle, Geoffrey C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski, Bin Li, and Kim Mills. Exploring AVS for HPDC software integration: Case studies towards parallel support for GIS. Technical Report SCCS-473, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, March 1992. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual International AVS Conference The Magic of Science: AVS '93, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, May 24--26, 1993. http://www.npac.syr.edu/PROJECTS/PUB/wojtek/hpsin/doc/avs93.ps.
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- Gang Cheng, Yinghua Lu, Geoffrey C. Fox, Kim Mills, and Tomasz Haupt. An interactive remote visualization environment for an electromagnetic scattering simulation on a high performance computing system. Technical Report SCCS-573, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, March 1993. Proceedings of Supercomputing '93, Portland, Oregon, November 15--19.
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- Kim Mills, Michael Vinson, Gang Cheng, and Finucane Thomas. A large scale comparison of option pricing models with historical market data. In Proceedings of The 4th Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computing. IEEE Computer Society Press, October 1992. Held in McLean, VA. SCCS-260.
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- Kim Mills, Gang Cheng, Michael Vinson, Sanjay Ranka, and Geoffrey Fox. Software issues and performance of a parallel model for stock option pricing. In Proceedings of the Fifth Australian Supercomputing Conference, pages 125--134, December 1992. Held in Melbourne, Australia. SCCS-273b.
- 27
- Geoffrey C. Fox. Software and hardware requirements for some applications of parallel computing to industrial problems. Technical Report SCCS-717, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, July 1995.
- 28
- L. Davis, J. Saltz, and J. Feldman. NSF workshop on high performance computing and communications, and health care. Report dated April 15, 1995 from Washington D. C. meeting, held December 8--10, 1994. http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/users/lsd/papers/nsfwork.html.
- 29
- K. Mills, G. Fox, P. Coddington, B. Mihalas, M. Podgorny, B. Shelly, and S. Bossert. The living textbook and the K--12 classroom of the future. Technical Report SCCS-731, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, 1995.
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- G. Fox and W. Furmanski. The virtual university presentation at conference tutorial HPDC-4, August 1995. Pentagon City, http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/virtuniv95/fullindex.html.
- 31
- Wm. A. Wulf. Collaboratory. Science, 261:854, 1993.
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- Geoffrey C. Fox. Involvement of industry in the national high performance computing and communication enterprise. Technical Report SCCS-716, Syracuse University, NPAC, Syracuse, NY, May 1994. Developing a Computer Science Agenda for High Performance Computing, edited by U. Vishkin, ACM Press.
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- G. Fox. HPC at the Crossroads! Academic Niche or Economic Development Cornucopia, Keynote talk at HPCS95 conference at Montreal, July 12, 1995. http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/hpcs95/fullindex.html.
Geoffrey Fox,Wojtek Furmanski Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University, gcf,furm@npac.syr.edu