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Overview of CPS616 -- Technologies of Information Age January-April 1996
Initially this builds on our recent tutorial at Supercomputing95 which itself builds
on the version of this course one year ago!
Some Overview material can be found at:
cps616over96: CPS616 Initial Foils for January-April 96 Course on Technologies for the Information Age
cps616tech96: Web Technology Overview
cps616services96: NII(Web) Services Overview
cps616appl96: Web Application Overview
Three books Chosen for the course are:
- Hooked on Java Academic Press December 1995, Arthur van Hoff, Sami Shaio, Orca Starbuck
- HTML and CGI Unleashed Sams Net 1995, John December and Mark Ginsburg
- Teach yourself JAVA in 21 days Laura Lemay and Charles L. Perkins, Sams net 1996 is particularly good on use of Java
in Applet and other applications
The technologies are:
cps616java96: CPS616 Lectures on Java
cps616javascript96: CPS616 Lectures on JavaScript
cps616perl: PERL4(updated to Perl5 syntax) based on O'Reilly Llama book
cps616perl5etc: Perl5 and Advanced Perl4 Features
Notice Some of the same material was covered in the companion course ECS400 where
one can find a full online description and in particular course material on HTML CGI and a simpler (than CPS616) discussion of Perl and Java:
ecs400spring96/ecs400www: Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW)
ecs400spring96/ecs400html: Introduction to HTML
ecs400spring96/ecs400http: Setting the Stage for CGI Programming: HTTP, URL, CGI, MIME, HTTPD and many other acronyms
ecs400spring96/ecs400cgi: Introduction to CGI Programming
ecs400spring96/ecs400perlstroll: Introduction to Perl Programming: a Stroll Through Perl
ecs400spring96/ecs400javastroll: Introduction to Java Programming: a Stroll Through Java
VRML is covered in two foilsets
Databases are covered in three foilsets taking you from basic SQL to
linkage to the Web.
cps616oraclebasic96: Basic Discussion of Oracle 7 Relational Database
cps616oracleaccess96: Access of Data using SQL-PL/SQL-OraPerl in Oracle
cps616oracleweb96: Web-Oracle Integration focussing on use of PL/SQL
And see NPAC's SQL PL/SQL OraPerl and Example
Note that we did not cover parallel databases and benchmarking which is included in
cps616fulldbms: Full Relational Database Presentation prepared for HPDC-4 Tutorial (Used in CPS616-1995)
from last year which has an old account of Web Linkage
We finished CPS616 with a "sneak preview" of material being prepared for a new course
CPS640 emphasizing systems issues as opposed to the base technology covered in CPS616.
We also emphasized that the technology front was still unclear with some very recent
announcements from Microsoft which in many cases compete with "Netscape/WWW Community"
technologies that we discussed in CPS616
cps640/mmnetworks: Overall Summary of MultiMedia Networks and Rationale for Integrated Services
Application Scenarios are available as follows:
Some Useful Resources are
And now the December 95 Tutorial Overview:
Summary of Foilsets in SC-95 Tutorial
Interactive Web and HPCC Technologies for Distance Education
Monday December 4 San Diego Convention Center
This full day tutorial was presented by Geoffrey Fox, Wojtek Furmanski, Gang Cheng, Marek Podgorny and several students from NPAC at Syracuse University. It covered key enabling NII (World Wide Web) technologies and their application both to large scale distributed computing and distance education. The talk was presented electronically and includes eight classes of material.
Note on presentation: below you will find each foilset used represented by a one line cryptic summary. This has three links -- first to a file containing all abstracts for these foilsets; second to a file containing abstracts and list of titles of foils. Third "blue" link (title of foilset in one liner) leads you to particular online foilset. Note that material is being evolved as our understanding and the Web changes every day.
M8 Interactive Web and HPCC Technologies for Distance Education
G. C. Fox, Wojtek Furmanski, and Marek Podgorny, Northeast Parallel
Architectures Center (NPAC), Syracuse University
50% beginner, 30% intermediate, 20% advanced
This tutorial will provide comprehensive coverage of interactive WWW
technologies and their integration with HPCC from the perspective of distance
education. The presenters will outline their vision of the Virtual University
for modern education and discuss interactive WWW, HPCC backends, and
agent-based communication as three critical enabling technologies in this
framework. They will illustrate these concepts with demonstrations of WWW
spaces and courses developed at the University of Syracuse such as KidsWeb,
Science for the 21st Century, Living Textbook, and Computational Science for
the Information Age. They will explain component technologies and
infrastructure such as WebTools, parallel databases, and video and
computational servers. Finally, they will discuss their concept of WebWork
and WebWindows as an emergent, collectively developed integration framework
for the WWW, agents, and HPCC-based Simulations-on-Demand, and they will
present prototype demonstrations of interactive and collaborative modules for
distance education.
List of Foilsets and URL's to foils
1)Application talk on distance education for both university level and K-12 education.
virtuniv95: Technologies and Issues for Virtual University
2)Basic Technology Talk Prepared for Supercomputing95
sc95tutorial: SC95 Tutorial: Web Technologies for Education
This supercedes two earlier general summaries:
3)Vision talk on the future of the World Wide Web with the emergence of the environment ("operating system") WebWindows
webvisionsept95: Fall 95 Vision for Evolution of World Wide Web Technology
4)Theme talk on distributed metacomputing and software engineering built in terms of World Wide Web Technologies.
This Webwork project is a joint effort between Boston University, Cooperating Systems and NPAC. It represents one new approach to HPDC -- High Performance Distributed Computing.
webworksept95: Master Foilset for Fall 95 WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering
5)Some applications to world-wide computing, business enterprise systems and the Living School Book
skipped in actual presentation except in summary fashion in 2)
sc95fafner: Webwork and its application to Factoring on the Web
sc95enterprise: Overview of Business Enterprise Systems and the Web
sc95lsb: The Living Schoolbook and the K-12 Classroom of the Future
6)A section that will be skipped in tutorial on base World Wide Web Technologies
These modules were first given spring 1995 in a course CPS600 (now called CPS616) which is the core course in information track of Syracuse University's Computational Science Program. They are a useful base reference to bring audience upto base level in areas such as PERL CGI etc.
cps616overview: Overview foils given at start of CPS600 describing broad concept of course
hpdc95collab: Collaboration Presentation for HPDC95
hpdc95compress: Compression Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial
hpdc95agent: Broad Overview of Agents and Their Motivation
cps616fulldbms: Full Relational Database Presentation prepared for HPDC-4 Tutorial (Used in CPS616-1995)
cps616perl: PERL4(updated to Perl5 syntax) based on O'Reilly Llama book
webtool/CPS600CourseServer: CPS600 WebTool Course Server
webtool/HTML: HTML
webtool/Forms: HTML Forms
webtool/Imagemaps: HTML Clickable Imagemaps
webtool/MIME: MultiPurpose Internet Mail Extension Data Format -- MIME
webtool/HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol HTTP for Server-Client Communication
webtool/CGI: Common Gateway Interface:CGI
webtool/HTTPD: Web Servers or HyperText Transfer Protocol Daemons -- HTTPD
cps616threads: Basic Threads Discussion including Niemiec's TCE in detail
slitex/atmmahesh: Asynchronous Transfer Mode Tutorial
See also David Koester's ATM Tutorial
7)A set of seven advanced core World Wide Web Technology areas
WebTools (major NPAC WebWindows Prototype), Televirtual Environments, Java, VRML, PERL5, Video Server, Web-relational database integration and Web Search Technologies.
sc95java: Overview of Java
sc95vrml: Overview of VRML
sc95televirtual: Televirtual Environments -- Technologies and Applications
sc95video: Video Server,Delivery and Compression Technologies
sc95webrdbms: Brief Overview of Web-Relational Database Integration
An excellent general (but incomplete) collection of URL's in various technology areas is
Furmanski's Interactive Web Technology Page
Advanced Material of Relevance not covered on the day is described in
webtool/WebTools(Summer1995): WebTools (Updated to Summer 1995)
webtool/Perl5: Perl5
And further details of material presented above will be found in
cps616webdbms: CPS600 Presentation on Linkage of Web to Relational(Oracle) Databases
hpdc95websearch: Web Search Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial
Outdated Material on Advanced Technologies may be found here
hpdc95videoA: First Part of Video Server Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial
hpdc95videoB: Second Part of Video Server Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial
webtool/Java: Java Tutorial
webtool/VRML: VRML Tutorial
8)A set of Demonstrations was given covering Video servers, WebTools, Integration of the database with the Web as well as Java VRML and WebWork Prototypes
Note exact details of demonstrations depend on availability of IWAY ATM link to NPAC during conference. We will be
conservative and not assume this availability! In fact only internet connection was available to NPAC but
even video on demand was demonstrated using equipment brought with us