Carrier (Syracuse) competing with Japanese who build quiet air conditioners. Need 3-D CFD simulations including acoustics.
Major aerospace company - engineers are using a network of RS6000's for large CFD simulations.
Excellent speedup but troubled by poor O/S support for such distributed computing
Viewed parallel computing as uninteresting
Because for their problem, i860 node on Intel Touchstone had poor cost-performance compared to RS6000
Teraflop machine in a submarine will allow adaptive 3-D beamforming.
(SIMD) Signal processing (matrix algebra) combined with irregular partial differential equation solution for acoustic propagation in ocean.
but submarine not so critical to nation these days .... (Seawolf)
Global competition and DoD cutbacks ----> Aerospace and other manufacturing companies are typically cutting back in personnel and research ----> Hard to integrate new technologies .....