HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 4 November 1995

Foil 5 Research Issues and Innovations - 1

From General Foils on PCRC Icase Workshop on HPF -- August 95. by Don Leskiw * See also color IMAGE

Portable and Scalable Multi-platform Runtime Support
  • Efficiently support address translations and data movements when mapping a shared address space onto a multiple processor architecture
  • Develop an integrated runtime support system to carry out address translation and communication optimizations; build this on top of a message passing interface
Integrated Multilanguage Support
  • Allow different programming languages to share data structures that are distributed across the memory hierarchy of a scalable parallel system
  • Develop common code and data descriptors, and routines that operate on them, for supporting data parallelism in HPLs
  • Design a common compiler data movement interface specification that will provide a set of communication standards for compiled code, ranging from very low primitives that exploit special hardware properties to very high level primitives directly coupled the the common array and data structure formats

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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