HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared May 25,1995

Foil 7 Some Recent Web Developments

From Master Foilset for NASA/MADIC NII Requirements for ASOP NASA/MADIC Workshop on NII Requirements for ASOP -- May 22-23 1995 Arlington TX. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

WebMagic -- HTML editor which essentially integrates server and Netscape client on a single computer for fast client stand-alone editing.
VRML which is a 3D data structure which could be used in display of ASOP physical artifacts. It is based on open subset of SGI Inventor database technology. VRML viewers are just coming out
JAVA has just been released by a group in Sun and in some ways competes with VRML (viewers). It is a Client technology which includes a C++ subset interpreter allowing clients to spawn processes called Applets. This makes clients "intelligent" and largely indistinguishable in functionality with servers.
Note future Web Architecture will be Server-Server. Not Client-Server.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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