HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared July 2,1995

Foil 48 Vis5D

From NPAC Centric view of Federal HPCC Program Trip to China(Beijing,Harbin) by Don Leskiw -- June23-July 5,1995. by Don Leskiw * Critical Information in IMAGE

Application of Vis5D to EPA's Regional Acid Deposition Model shows transparent volume rendering of sulfur dioxide (the red fog) and a horizontal slice with iso-lines of nitric acid over a topographic map of the Eastern U.S. The icons on the left give the user interactive control over the three- dimensional images as they are animated. Vis5D makes this interactive exploration possible by compressing data sets to fit in workstation memories. Vis5D has been used for experiments over the Blanca Gigabit Testbed and has been adapted to run in the virtual reality CAVE (described above); it is freely available over the Internet.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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