Scripted HTML version of Foils prepared June 3 97

Foil 57 Isn't the Web hardware and software too slow to be interesting for HPCC? -Java- I

From And the Future is ........: The Use of Java and the Web in Scientific Computing Hefei Computational Science and Beijing Web Tutorial -- May 27 and 30 1997. by Geoffrey C. Fox *

Java is currently semi-interpreted and (as in Linpack online benchmark) is about 50 times slower than good C or Fortran
Java --> (javac)--> Downloadable Universal Bytecodes --> (Java Interpreter)
--> Native Machine Code
  • Just in Time Compilers speed this up by factor of 10
However Language can be efficiently compiled with "native compilers"
Java ----> (native compiler)
---> Native (for Particular Machine) Code
Lots of Interesting Compiler issues for both compiled and scripted Java

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