Basic HTML version of Foils prepared January 26,1997

Foil 26 Tradeoffs in Implementation of Computational Science as an Interdisciplinary program versus establishing a new department

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Advantages of a new department
  • Clearer University support with less dependence on support of particular individuals
  • For instance my research program at Caltech(C3P) was destroyed by change of Provost where replacement preferred existing academic units
2 Advantages of Using Interdisciplinary Program
  • Easier to set up at the University
  • Graduating Students get a well understood degree
  • A degree in Computational Science is probably not as useful as
    • Computational Chemistry : which is a degree in Chemistry with minor in computational science
    • Applied Computer Science: which is a degree in computer science with specialization in computational Science

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