Basic HTML version of Foils prepared January 26,1997

Foil 6 Caltech Computational Science Program

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. by Geoffrey C. Fox

I graduated many excellent students at PhD level with a computational science training and typically a Physics PhD. Also "retrained" several "staff scientists"
  • A few are doing well in University computer science departments
  • All got good jobs -- mainly in industry and National Laboratories
I was unable to set up an interdisciplinary program in Computational Science
  • Computer Science department felt this was their mandate but
    • (in my opinion) was uninterested in implementing
  • Science users thought it was similar to "Fortran training course"
I did set up a politically very carefully defined graduate program in the Physics department called PCCS............

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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