Basic HTML version of Foils prepared January 26,1997

Foil 19 Undergraduate Minor in Computational Science
Overview of CPS/CIS 412 Data Parallel Computing (3 Credits)

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Prerequisite: CPS312 or Intermediate Programming Course
Level: Senior
System in 1995: CM5 with *Lisp, C* and CMFortran
Topics: Virtual Processor Model for Data Parallel Computing
  • Overview of *Lisp, communication patterns, and examples illustrating communication
  • Overview of C* and discussion of how C* programs express communication
  • N-body calculations with C* ; programs that match problem size to machine size
  • Overview of CMFortran, array-parallel programs compared to virtual processors
  • CM5 Architecture, Implementation Issues, Special Communication Patterns
  • Parallel I/O, Graphics
  • Selected Examples

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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