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Basic foilset Overview foils for Computational Science Overview at Illinois -- May 1995

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar on May 5,1995. Foils prepared January 26,1997
Outside Index Summary of Material

I describe some issues in setting up computational science education programs at the undergraduate and graduate level based on my experience at Caltech and Syracuse University. Important issues include:
Academic Implementation: a separate department or interdisciplinary program?
Is it a fundamental field? is Computational science an "academic" discipline or a "Technical training course"
Curriculum content: Is computational science the same as scientific and engineering computation?
  • Note that at Syracuse, we plan an information track

Table of Contents for full HTML of Overview foils for Computational Science Overview at Illinois -- May 1995

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1 Remarks on
Academic Programs in Computational Science

2 Abstract of Presentation
3 What is Computational Science?
4 What do we have at Syracuse University?
5 Program in Computational Science
Implemented within current academic framework

6 Caltech Computational Science Program
7 PCCS: Physical Computation and Complex Systems at Caltech
8 Usefulness of Computational Science Degrees:
9 Syracuse Computational Science Academic Programs -- Masters Degree
10 Comments on CPS615 Content Compared to Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Methods (in Physics) Courses
11 Syracuse Graduate Computational Science Academic Programs
12 Computational Science Courses -- CPS615
13 Computational Science Courses -- Typical CPS615 Module
14 Computational Science Courses -- CPS615 Topics
15 Computational Science Courses -- CPS713
16 Syracuse Computational Science Academic Programs
Undergraduates Minors in Computational Science

17 Undergraduate Minor in Computational Science
-- First Core Courses CPS311,313

18 Undergraduate Minor in Computational Science
-- Continued Core Courses CPS312,314

19 Undergraduate Minor in Computational Science
Overview of CPS/CIS 412 Data Parallel Computing (3 Credits)

20 Undergraduate Minor in Computational Science
Philosophy of CPS/CIS 412 Data Parallel Computing

21 CPS451 Senior Computational Science Project (3 Credits)
22 Syracuse Computational Science Courses -- Enrollment
23 Options in Implementation of Computational Science Programs
24 Some Academic Areas and their Relation to Computational Science
25 Why is Academic Implementation of Computational Science Important?
26 Tradeoffs in Implementation of Computational Science as an Interdisciplinary program versus establishing a new department
27 Remarks on the Curriculum and Student Audience
28 Program in Information Age Computational Science Implemented Within Current Academic Program
29 Federal 1994 Blue Book Comparison of National and Grand Challenges
30 CPS616: Technologies and Applications of the Information Age
31 Overview of Draft Curriculum for CPS616
32 What we taught this Spring CPS600 --
"Technologies for Webwindows" --
The next generation (meta)Computing and Communications Environment

33 Master's Degree in Multimedia Studies

Outside Index Summary of Material

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared January 26,1997

Foil 1 Remarks on
Academic Programs in Computational Science

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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University of Illinois
May 5,1995
Geoffrey C. Fox
NPAC (InfoMall)
Syracuse University
111 College Place
NY 13244-4100

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared January 26,1997

Foil 2 Abstract of Presentation

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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I describe some issues in setting up computational science education programs at the undergraduate and graduate level based on my experience at Caltech and Syracuse University. Important issues include:
Academic Implementation: a separate department or interdisciplinary program?
Is it a fundamental field? is Computational science an "academic" discipline or a "Technical training course"
Curriculum content: Is computational science the same as scientific and engineering computation?
  • Note that at Syracuse, we plan an information track

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared January 26,1997

Foil 3 What is Computational Science?

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Computational Science is an interdisciplinary field that integrates computer science and applied mathematics with a wide variety of application areas that use significant computation to solve their problems
Includes the study of computational techniques
  • Science and Engineering - Grand Challenges
  • Society and Business - National Challenge
Includes the study of new algorithms, languages and models in computer science and applied mathematics required by the use of high performance computing and communications in any (?) important application
  • At interface of (applied) computer science and applications
Includes computation of complex systems using physical analogies such as neural networks and genetic optimization.

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Foil 4 What do we have at Syracuse University?

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Formal Master's Program with reasonable curriculum and course material
PhD called Computer and Information Science but can choose computational science research
Certificates(Minors) in Computational Science at both the Masters and PhD Level
Undergraduate Minors in Computational Science
All Programs are open to both computer science and application (computer user) students
Currently have both an "Science and Engineering Track" ("parallel computing") and an "Information oriented Track" ("the web")

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Foil 5 Program in Computational Science
Implemented within current academic framework

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Foil 6 Caltech Computational Science Program

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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I graduated many excellent students at PhD level with a computational science training and typically a Physics PhD. Also "retrained" several "staff scientists"
  • A few are doing well in University computer science departments
  • All got good jobs -- mainly in industry and National Laboratories
I was unable to set up an interdisciplinary program in Computational Science
  • Computer Science department felt this was their mandate but
    • (in my opinion) was uninterested in implementing
  • Science users thought it was similar to "Fortran training course"
I did set up a politically very carefully defined graduate program in the Physics department called PCCS............

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Foil 7 PCCS: Physical Computation and Complex Systems at Caltech

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Replaced some of physics phenomenology requirements (Quantum Physics) by two courses:
  • One similar to CPS615 at Syracuse and
  • One discussing Complex Systems including neural networks, genetic algorithms and related topics
Realistically PCCS could only be taken by a Physics major
  • Physics is a good training for computational science as one is taught ab initio problem solving
  • I have had tremendous success in retraining Physics PhD's to general Computational Science
  • 3 of 4 NSF Supercomputer Centers led by Physicists
  • Computer science has a problem as (at Syracuse for instance) no training in practical programming, numerical methods and focus on discrete and not the important continuous (applied) mathematics.

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Foil 8 Usefulness of Computational Science Degrees:

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Conclusions of DOE Conference on Computational Science Education, Feb 1994
Industry and government laboratories want graduates with Computational Science and Engineering training - don't care what degree is called
Universities - want graduates with Computational Science and Engineering training - want degrees to have traditional names
Premature to have BS Computational Science and Engineering

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared January 26,1997

Foil 9 Syracuse Computational Science Academic Programs -- Masters Degree

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Master's Degree in Computational Science Course Requirements:
Core Courses:
  • CPS 615: Introduction to Computational Science
  • CPS 675: Design and analysis of algorithms
  • MAT 683: Methods of numerical analysis I
Application Area:
  • Applications of computational science, including a substantial project. Example: CPS713 Case Studies in Computational Science
It is required to take one course in 3 out of the following 4 areas:
  • 1. Parallel programming, algorithms, and architecture
  • 2. Methodology and techniques Numerical analysis, optimization, simulation
  • 3. High performance software Compilers, languages, visualization, programming environments
  • 4. Advanced computer science and software engineering Structured programming and formal methods

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared January 26,1997

Foil 10 Comments on CPS615 Content Compared to Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Methods (in Physics) Courses

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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At Caltech, we used to teach in physics a basic course in Mathematical methods to undergraduates which was required for physics majors
Non-physics majors chose between this and a corresponding course taught in engineering by applied mathematics
Compared to these courses, CPS615 has less formal numerical methods than either of these courses but at Caltech neither course discussed computer architecture, how to exploit architecture to get good performance and more importantly, never discussed software issues.

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Foil 11 Syracuse Graduate Computational Science Academic Programs

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Minors in Computational Science
Masters Level Certificate:
  • Available to graduate students enrolled in any SU masters or Ph.D. program
  • Courses required for certificate are one from each area (15 credits)
    • 1. CPS 615: Introduction to Computational Science -- Simulation or
    • 1. CPS 616: Computational Science for Information Applications
    • (probably CPS 606 can be substituted here)
  • 2. Applications of Computer Science (e.g. CPS713/714)
  • 3. High Performance Parallel Computing
  • 4. Methodology and techniques
  • 5. Computational Science elective -Relevant course chosen by student - (e.g. CPS730)
Doctoral level Certificate:
  • 5 courses as above with one more elective (18 credits)
  • Make a contribution to computational science through the research of the dissertation
Doctoral level Certificate in Computational Neuroscience:
  • Joint program Bioengineering (Institute of Sensory Research, SUNY Health Science Center, Computer Science

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared January 26,1997

Foil 12 Computational Science Courses -- CPS615

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Introduction to Computational Science at Graduate Level
This course in computational science shows how computational and numerical techniques from computer science and mathematics are used to solve problems in scientific and engineering applications.
  • Introductory modules discuss practical parallel computing and networking issues
  • Introduce software abstracted from High Performance Fortran for data parallel and PVM,MPI,Fortran-M for message passing. As course evolves we treat software more completely covering Fortran90, HPF and MPI
There are a set of modules built around generic scientific and engineering problems. Each contains:
  • Overview of Problem and Computational approach
  • the numerical methods suitable for solving the problems
  • The parallel computing (algorithm) issues
  • The implementation in data-parallel and/or message passing
  • how the resulting computation can be used in specific problems.

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Foil 13 Computational Science Courses -- Typical CPS615 Module

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Example Course Module
  • Application: Field simulations as in fluid mechanics, solid mechanics and electromagetics.
  • Numerical methods: Numerical solutions to partial differential equations.
  • Computational algorithms: Parallel techniques for iterative solvers based on finite differences and finite elements solvers.
  • Software -- Message Passing and HPF Implementation for simplest Jacobi solvers
  • Results: Calculating the field of an electrostatic lens; calculating the air flow around an airplane wing.

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Foil 14 Computational Science Courses -- CPS615 Topics

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Other Course Module Topics
  • techniques for solving ordinary differential equations such as those found in the particle systems astrophysics and molecular dynamics;
  • matrix operations such as those used in electrical, electromagnetical, or sonar calculations
  • optimization techniques such as those used in circuit diagrams.
  • Professor Geoffrey Fox, Computer Science and Physics,
  • Professor Ernest Sibert, Computer Science
Spring Semester 1995, we offered a version of CPS615 (CPS616) aimed at application areas based on information technologies

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Foil 15 Computational Science Courses -- CPS713

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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CPS 713 Case Studies in Computational Science
This course emphasizes a few applications and gives an in-depth treatment of the more advanced computing techniques, aiming for a level of sophistication representing the best techniques currently known by researchers in the field.
  • Typically, the course is organized around three or four application topics such as:
  • Analysis of data and parameterization - statistics and optimization methods for massive data sets.
  • Molecular dynamics, as in CHARMM - particle dynamics in very large systems
  • Determining energy levels of large chemical systems, as in MOPAC - eigenvalues by matrix methods
  • Statistical physics - clustering methods
  • Collision of black holes - PDE's by adaptive finite difference meshs
  • Computational fluid dynamics as in NAS problem from NASA - PDE's by finite differences and finite elements
  • Students carry out detailed implementation projects for one or more topics, working either individually or in teams.
Instructor: Professor Geoffrey Fox, Computer Science and Physics

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Foil 16 Syracuse Computational Science Academic Programs
Undergraduates Minors in Computational Science

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Typical Program:
Freshman year:
  • Prerequisites for the concentration: 2 semesters calculus (MAT295,296),
  • physics (PHY 211,212, 221, 222) and computer programming
Sophomore year:
  • Introduction to Computational Science (CPS 311, 312) and
  • Scientific Programming (CPS 313,314) which are the laboratory courses
Junior year:
  • Two upper class courses in parallel computing, applied math, or other appropriate courses.
Senior year:
  • Senior Computational Science Project (CPS 451) and 1 credit of independent study (CPS 490).
Courses taken for the concentration may also be used to fulfill degree requirements in the students major program of study.

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Foil 17 Undergraduate Minor in Computational Science
-- First Core Courses CPS311,313

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Prerequisite: Calculus, Physics, Programming
Level: Sophomore/Junior
System: CM5 with CMFortran (Approximately Fortran90)
Topics: Calculation with Vectors and Arrays
  • Direct Solution of Linear Systems
  • Interpolation (Polynomial, Spline, two dimensional)
  • Rounding Error in Floating Point Arithmetic
  • Elementary Numerical Quadrature
  • Motivate and Illustrate with Examples from Physics, Chemistry and Engineering
  • Treat CM5 with CMFortran as a powerful, high-level system so that it is relatively easy to write programs that are "fast enough"
  • Pay attention to performance but avoid emphasis on tricky issues of parallel performance
  • Lab component (CPS313) addresses programming details and incorporates computational and programming exercises which reinforce material in lectures.
  • Programming Exercises usually modify programs discussed in class or use routines provided by the instructor

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Foil 18 Undergraduate Minor in Computational Science
-- Continued Core Courses CPS312,314

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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CPS 311/312 Introduction to Computational Science I and II (3 credits each)
CPS313/314 Scientific Programming I and II ( 1 credit each)
CPS312/314 Continues CPS311/313 using same System (CM5 with CMFortran in 1995)
Topics: Elementary Linear Programming using the Simplex Method
  • Ordinary Differential Equations -- Standard approachs to Initial Value problems
  • Boundary Value Problems for Simple Elliptic Partial Differential Equations with Iterative Solution
  • Monte Carlo Techniques -- Pseudo-Random Numbers, Quadrature, Metropolis Technique
  • Similar to initial courses CPS 311/313 but the programming exercises are more ambitious
  • Always remind students that this introduction only scratches the surface of any topic covered.

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Foil 19 Undergraduate Minor in Computational Science
Overview of CPS/CIS 412 Data Parallel Computing (3 Credits)

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Prerequisite: CPS312 or Intermediate Programming Course
Level: Senior
System in 1995: CM5 with *Lisp, C* and CMFortran
Topics: Virtual Processor Model for Data Parallel Computing
  • Overview of *Lisp, communication patterns, and examples illustrating communication
  • Overview of C* and discussion of how C* programs express communication
  • N-body calculations with C* ; programs that match problem size to machine size
  • Overview of CMFortran, array-parallel programs compared to virtual processors
  • CM5 Architecture, Implementation Issues, Special Communication Patterns
  • Parallel I/O, Graphics
  • Selected Examples

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Foil 20 Undergraduate Minor in Computational Science
Philosophy of CPS/CIS 412 Data Parallel Computing

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Parallel Performance is a primary issue throughout although we try to preserve some degree of elegance and simplicity in our programs
Many examples compare several programs for the same calculation so as to observe the performance of various styles of communication and different programming paradigms
Several examples include programs adapted to different problem sizes, illustrating the significance of the problem size/machine size relation
Students complete one substantial programming project and a few small exercises

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Foil 21 CPS451 Senior Computational Science Project (3 Credits)

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Prerequisite: CPS312/314 and knowledge of a project topic
Level: Senior
Course Contents:
  • Design and Implementation of Individual or team project
  • Project must be related to some area of Science or Engineering
  • Project must require Substantial Computation
  • Students give in-class presentations
  • The students must produce a substantial report with complete program documentation

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Foil 22 Syracuse Computational Science Courses -- Enrollment

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Graduate and Undergraduate computational science courses with number of students completing:
    • CPS 615 Fall 1993 33 students
    • CPS 615 Spring 1993 21 students
    • CPS 713 Spring 1993 13 students
    • CPS 517 Fall 1993 21 students
    • CPS 211/212 Fall 1993 7 students
    • CPS 615 Spring 1994 30 students
    • CPS 213/214 Spring 1994 4 students
    • CPS 713 Fall 1994 12 students
    • CPS 211/212 Fall 1994 9 students * CPS211-214 old numbers
    • CPS 213/214 Spring 1995 9 Students * for CPS 311-314
    • CPS 600 (to be 616) Spring 1995 8 students
    • CPS 211/212 Fall 1995 15 Students preregistered
Computation Science Graduations: June 1994 -
  • 1 undergraduate received Minor in Computational Science with a B.S. in Computer Science
  • 2 graduate students received M.S. Certificates in Computational Science

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Foil 23 Options in Implementation of Computational Science Programs

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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One need not have an academic program at all. For example very succesful is:
  • Caltech Current Computation Program (C3P) led by me from 1981-1990 and described in "Parallel Computing Works" , Morgan Kaufmann 1994.
  • Boston Center for Computational Science - led by two physicists Giles and Rebbi with university support for infrastructure, excellent research program and some new courses
  • NSF Supercomputer Centers
The academic program can be centered in
  • Computer Science (note Computer Engineering is often nearer to Computational Science than Computer Science)
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Physics when it is nearer Computational Physics

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Foil 24 Some Academic Areas and their Relation to Computational Science

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Computer Science -- Nationally viewed as central activity
  • Congress thinks Computer Science is activities such as NSF Supercomputer Centers i.e. Computational Science
  • Computer Scientists think of the field as less applied
Computer Engineering -- Historically Mathematics and Electrical Engineering have spawned Computer Science programs -- if from electrical engineering, the field is sometimes called computer engineering
Applied Mathematics is a very broad field in U.K. where equivalent to Theoretical Physics. In USA applied mathematics is roughly mathematics associated with fluid flow
  • Field teachs areas such as Scientific Computing even though ignore many issues needed outside differential equation solution
Computational Physics -- Practioners will be judged by their contribtion to physics and not directly by algorithms and software innovations.
  • Similar remarks about Computational Aerospace, Chemistry etc.

HTML version of Basic Foils prepared January 26,1997

Foil 25 Why is Academic Implementation of Computational Science Important?

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Probably not important for Industry or Government (National Laboratory) jobs
  • Excellent job market for computational scientists in these areas
However Academia (in general) only appoints faculty in existing well defined academic areas where peer review group exists
  • To some extent, this is also true for funding agencies for even if Program Manager likes Interdisciplinary work, reviewers may not as come from established areas
  • Interdisciplinary Scientist is Jack of All Trades but Master of none?
  • Probably poor job opportunities in Academia for Computational Scientist however field implemented

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Foil 26 Tradeoffs in Implementation of Computational Science as an Interdisciplinary program versus establishing a new department

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Advantages of a new department
  • Clearer University support with less dependence on support of particular individuals
  • For instance my research program at Caltech(C3P) was destroyed by change of Provost where replacement preferred existing academic units
Advantages of Using Interdisciplinary Program
  • Easier to set up at the University
  • Graduating Students get a well understood degree
  • A degree in Computational Science is probably not as useful as
    • Computational Chemistry : which is a degree in Chemistry with minor in computational science
    • Applied Computer Science: which is a degree in computer science with specialization in computational Science

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Foil 27 Remarks on the Curriculum and Student Audience

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Computational Science can attract computing development students (computer science) as well computer user (applications such as Physics, Engineering, Biology, Chemistry) students
The same course material can sometimes be used for both classes of students although some adjustment can be needed
  • (Syracuse) computer science students are not taught matrices, Fourier transforms etc. -- typical application student is
  • Base programming knowledge sometimes insufficient
    • At Syracuse, we teach structured supplementary lab course for undergraduates
    • We have not found this necessary for graduate students
For "Information track" expect more serious mismatch in background with computer user community not having mathematical training of computer science.

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Foil 28 Program in Information Age Computational Science Implemented Within Current Academic Program

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Foil 29 Federal 1994 Blue Book Comparison of National and Grand Challenges

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Foil 30 CPS616: Technologies and Applications of the Information Age

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Computational science can be defined broadly as the discipline on the interface between computer science and applications of computers. The current Syracuse course CPS615 and others nationwide, can be considered as "Computational Science for Scientific Computing" or "Technologies and applications for Scientific Computing". The audience is both the technologists (Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Mathematics) as well as the application fields such as Computational Chemistry, Physics and Aerospace Engineering. We propose a new course CPS616 playing a similar role to CPS615 but aimed at the Information related applications rather than scientific computing. At Syracuse University, application students could come from IST (Information studies which also covers technologies), Newhouse (Communications), Maxwell (Public Administration), VPA (Visual and Performing Arts), Education. Technology students are from Computer Science, Computer Engineering and IST.

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Foil 31 Overview of Draft Curriculum for CPS616

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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The conference proceedings "R and D for the NII: Technical Challenges" obtainable from EDUCOM (nii-forum@educom.com) is one useful general resource. It would be important to collect other useful general and specialized reference books for either teachers and/or students. There are currently 10 modules listed below.
1) The Internet and Specialized Testbeds as Prototypes of the GII (Global Information Infrastructure)
2) Physical Network
3) The Consumer Multimedia Enterprise: Multimedia Videogames, PC's, Settop boxes, and Workstations
4) Digital Media: Audio, Video, Graphics and Images
5) User, Application and Service Interfaces
6) Client and Server High Performance Multimedia Computer Requirements and Architecture
7) Base Software and Systems Architecture of the GII
8) Pervasive and Niche Applications for the GII
9) Generic Services and Middleware on the GII
10) The Emerging GII Enterprise in Industry, Academia and Society

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Foil 32 What we taught this Spring CPS600 --
"Technologies for Webwindows" --
The next generation (meta)Computing and Communications Environment

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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World Wide Web basics : HTTP,MIME, servers,clients
PERL4 and object-oriented features in PERL5(to be finished)
Wavelet and Other Compression Technologies
Collaboration Technologies from MBONE to CLI
ATM Networks with comparison with ISDN and traditional LAN
Parallel Relational Databases and Web Integration
Thread based Communication Environments
Video servers and network management for good quality
Parallel Web Servers (to be finished)
Advanced Web Technologies -- agents, VRML, Java (to be finished)

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Foil 33 Master's Degree in Multimedia Studies

From Computational Science Overview May 1195 Presentation at Illinois Computational Science Seminar -- May 5,1995. *
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Joint Program set up between
  • NPAC (Computer Science and Engineering)
  • School of Information Studies
  • Newhouse School of Public Communication
  • School of Visual and Performing Arts
  • School of Education
12 3-credit courses with 3 required courses
  • "Pro-Seminar" -- Collection of Lectures from different faculty
  • "Fundamental Viewpoints" -- Deeper focused course on general aesthetic, ethical and societalk aspects of multimedia.
  • Student Project
Three tracks for specialization
  • Management and Evaluation
  • Systems and Tools -- here is computer science
  • Design and Application
Take 3 core courses, one course from each track(3), 6 elective courses with constraints to be determined

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University, npac@npac.syr.edu

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