The window object has a method open which allows one to create entirely new windows which are equivalent to cliocking "New Web Browser" on Netscape File Menu
childw =,Largely_Irrelevant_Name, Quite_Important_Features);
The last argument is a set of comma separated options such as
toolbar = yes [no]
location = yes [no] (display a location bar or not)
resizable = on [off] (allow resizing of window)
status = yes [no] (display status bar at bottom)
menubar = yes [no]
directories = yes [no] (display the not so useful directories bar)
scrollbars = yes [no] (allow or not scrollbars if needed)
width = W; (number of pixels in window width)
height = H; (number of pixels)
Javascript in spawned window can access properties of originating window as top.opener